A Doctor’s Answer to the CDC Crackdown on Opioids and Other Overprescribed Meds

Are you a "Concerned" Doctor or Healthcare Professional? 

You've no doubt heard or read the news concerning the rising opioids epidemic and similar drug problems.

We will touch briefly here on the immediate "Problem" (choosing only 2 of the thousands of articles you need to read). Plus we’ll offer what we think is the ONE "Solution" for you to avoid CDC’s stiff penalties.

"Problem" Per article: 
The CDC is trying to get doctors to help 
stop the opioid epidemic

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention on Tuesday released new, long-awaited guidelines for prescribing opioid painkillers -- the latest in an attempt to slow down the deadliest drug epidemic in US history.

"More than 40 Americans die each day from prescription opioid overdoses, we must act now," CDC Director Tom Frieden said in a statement. "Overprescribing opioids -- largely for chronic pain -- is a key driver of America's drug-overdose epidemic. The guideline will give physicians and patients the information they need to make more informed decisions about treatment."

The CDC issued 12 recommendations for primary care providers, who account for nearly half of opioid prescriptions. The agency highlighted three of them:

1. Non-opioid therapy is preferred for chronic pain outside of active cancer, palliative, and end-of-life care.
2. When opioids are used, the lowest possible effective dosage should be prescribed to reduce risks of opioid use disorder and overdose.
3. Providers should always exercise caution when prescribing opioids and monitor all patients closely.

"Problem" Per article: 

What Trump's opioid announcement means 
-- and doesn't mean

Washington (CNN)President Donald Trump declared a nationwide public health emergency to combat the opioid crisis Thursday at a White House event, rather than issuing a national disaster declaration.

Both are forms of national emergency declarations, but the primary difference is the scope and funding for each order.

"This epidemic is a national health emergency," he said. "Nobody has seen anything like what is going on now."

He added: "As Americans, we cannot allow this to continue. It is time to liberate our communities from this scourge of drug addiction. Never been this way. We can be the generation that ends the opioid epidemic. We can do it."


The above picture is promoted by some, and elsewhere it's said that healthcare professionals are right about 60% of the time. Regardless of what percentage you believe to choose, we know that we can do better. Our solution will help you avoid CDC penalties. Here's how... 

We offer a simple test which you can do with every patient which will inform you as to whether an infection is viral or bacterial so you can make a more informed decision when prescribing. There is no cost to doctors to get our product, or samples and more information.

To request information, PLEASE CLICK HERE.

We have reps in all 50 states and most cities to serve you. We will provide you information and have a rep contact you upon request.

Thank you for your interest in learning about our solution to being able to comply with the CDC. We look forward to hearing from you.

By the way, if you would kindly forward this to any medical/pharmaceutical rep that you know, we also offer a handsome "Finder’s Fee" for referring Medical Sales Reps who join and perform.

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To request information, PLEASE CLICK HERE

Urgent Notice to Healthcare Professionals and Sales Professionals

Anyone in Health Care needs to read this. 

If you are a Health Care Provider, 
We have something you want and need! 

If you are a Sales Rep, 
We have something you need to share with Health Care Providers... 
The Window of Time is VERY, VERY SHORT. 


The CDC is cracking down on over prescriptions. When you help doctors to adhere to the “Get Smart Initiative” and you’ll get a commission every time a test is done using our (DNA) program.

There is a window of only about 2 months to get your share of the medical facilities in your area. WHEN YOU LOCK IN A FACILITY, IT’S YOURS!

There is no cost to become a sales rep but we will only place a limited number of reps in an area. This launch is going very fast and will close very soon. You don’t have to be a rep in the medical field but we will give more consideration to those who are.

Reply stating your name, city and state and also your email. We will not reply to anyone who does not reply with this requested information.

FINDERS FEE: We are not wasting time with this launch. If you want to make some great money referring people to us, send us your name, city and state and your email; but state that you are a referral person. If we don’t get all the requested information we won’t know to contact you when we get people who tell us they’ve been referred by you.

If you are referred by someone please mention that person’s name along with your contact information. (If that person’s name is not in our data base before you contact us, he or she will not be paid a referral fee).

Contact Ter Scott (Business Partner Inquiry Form) and submit all requested information (use the comments box to provide additional requested information. Requests without ALL information WILL BE IGNORED). 

** This introductory webinar will go over the sale. It is the easiest sale you will ever get with a Doctor’s office. Find out why!

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This week's promo: 

Purchase Dan's Magnetic Marketing program, copy and paste confirmation email HERE and you get Free Access to my Addendum Communications where I share with you my thoughts and more about how to get the most from the course! 

CLICK ON IMAGE for more details. 

Don't want the entire course (just yet)? 
Dan offers his Free Course and Report. 

Ter Scott's Success Quotes Today: Wisdom Byte, "It's a New Day..."

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Ter Scott's Success Quotes Today: Wisdom Byte, "It's a New Day...": If you want to be wealthy, I highly recommend you read this book. My life is a new gift every morning;  that's why its called...

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Senior Source; The ONE Stop Source Site for Seniors!: Healthcare Advocate Promotes Medical Technology in...: Hello, my name is Terry (Ter) Scott. I am first an advocate for consumer’s health and wealth protection. I’m also an agent in the insur...

Quote on "Thinking" by Ter Scott!

Think big, and think different, but think!
Ter Scott, Life & Legacy Coach

TerScott.com offers different products and services 
to both individual and business related priorities. 
Ter Scott speaks around the world on topics: Money, Marketing & Motivation. 

Ter Scott Offers Half Hour Phone Session at No Fee

Image result for Ter ScottHello. My name is Ter Scott. 

Online I’m known as the “Man of 100 Blogs”; go ahead Google it, or just Google my name, Ter Scott. But this is not about me; it is about you so I’ll get to the point. 

If you are an individual with goals and want to do something with your talents and skills and get better so the world can get better, then I want you to consider my free gift. 

If you are a business owner (of any size) or entrepreneur, I want to give you a free gift.

Image result for special offerWhat’s the gift? 30 minutes of my time, one with one, over the phone with no strings attached. Just
What’s the catch? Well, I just told you that there are no strings attached. But I will tell you that for you to succeed you need to know people. I know people. Also, I offer products, services and coaching that you will absolutely NOT get anywhere else. You don’t ever have to take advantage of my products, services or coaching (and the many other “free” things I offer) but wouldn’t it be nice to know about them? So, that’s the “catch” you’ll know about me and what I do.

About your coaching session, just state your name and email address and I’ll reply with a few times you can call me. I’ll also give you an “idea map” so you’ll have something to give you ideas to talk about. Don’t worry about me selling your information, it stays with me.

You are not obligated to anything; except when you sign up for a time and you can’t make it (for any reason) there are no more available for you. If you have questions or comments, go ahead and place them in the comments box on the form.

I look forward to chatting with you. Otherwise, you are certainly welcome to request information on anything; even if you don’t take advantage of my free phone consulting service.

Oh yeah, one more thing. I only do about 10 of these each month. If all 10 spots are taken this month, your name goes on a list and I’ll get to you in order of requests.

Make it a great day!

Ter Scott
Bricks to Clicks Marketing Consultant™
Life & Legacy Coach™

Half Hour Phone Session

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