If you learned one thing which could make you more valuable to your customers and clients so they would love you more, what would you want that one thing to be?

It's clear that my "tribe" isn't as big as a lot of other coaches out there so unfortunately I won't be able to touch as many lives as some others by inviting them to Dean and Tony's online event which shows people how to help people. I also understand that this isn't everyone's "thing". But if you are a professional in any industry, a speaker, a coach, an entrepreneur, a business person; heck even a comedian you should check this out. It will be huge and I know it is life changing. And just think, if you learned just one thing which could make you better in helping your customers, and clients and get more from what you do, then my telling you about this opportunity will have been worth it. It's online, its' free and I only have less than 100 invites left. Check it out.

If you learned one thing which could make you more valuable to your customers and clients 
so they would love you more, what would you want that one thing to be?

Place it in the comments below. 

Tax Professionals, How to Use the 1040 Form to get more clients...

Dear Tax Professional,

Good day!

I’ve had the pleasure of working with many tax professionals over the years and one thing I know, most want to offer more to their clients. In just one minute, I’ll share with you how other tax professionals have offered great value to their business clients, which resulted in both accolades, referrals and more business.

Hello. My name is Terry (Ter) Scott and I’m a membership rep for NFIB. I’m sure you’ve heard of the National Federation of Independent Business, have clients who are members and perhaps you are a member yourself.

NFIB's mission is to promote and protect the right of our members to own, operate and grow their businesses. To learn more simply visit NFIB.com.

Line 10 on the 1040 Form got your business clients a big deduction on their net income. That same line 10 can keep your client’s business profitable and also get your firm more business clients. Here’s how. 

We are looking for more business owners in your area to become members; to join our 300,000 other small business owners in strengthening the voice of small business, in your own community; to make the politicians pay attention to the needs of your small business owner clients.

Attached is a two sided handout for you to make copies from and give to your clients. (Please request yours via the contact form on this page). 

NFIB was the only organization which stood up for small business and got them the 20% tax deduction (line 10) some years ago when at first the tax break was only going to go to the C Corps and up.   You don’t have to say anything except that they might want to check out NFIB and become a member if they want to, include with the paperwork you present to them or simply leave a few copies for your clients to see and pick up when they come into your office. Either way, your business clients will appreciate the added value you are offering. Let them know that you (and NFIB) are working hard to keep them profitable and that NFIB offers free informative webinars and other things at NFIB.com which can help to keep their businesses profitable.

When I’m in an area seeing current and prospective members, I always recommend other professionals which could be of service to their business. if you are not already a member I would like to enroll you. As a member you’ll be able to keep abreast of important issues which affect small business which will help you remain the expert in the eyes of your clients. You’ll personally be able to vote the ballots so you’ll know firsthand what your clients will receive if they choose to be a member! 

To get started, see the rate card on the reverse side and choose your membership fee which you think is affordable for your firm. Mail your enrollment fee to my address or call me and I can process your payment over the phone. You’ll get an email within minutes from the home office in Nashville after I process your membership.

Thanks in advance for your support and I look forward to assisting you in offering this free service to your clients, and building your practice. Make it a great day!

In summary, if you are a tax professional contact me and enroll as a member yourself. 
Request the PDF of the front and back of the handout to distribute to your clients. When they contact me, I'll take it from there. 
That's it. You'll be offering a great service to your clients and they will certainly appreciate it. 

Sincerely, Terry Scott, NFIB Membership Rep

PS. Be sure to write your Name and Firm Name on the handouts that you distribute to your clients so I’ll know where they originated so I can properly thank you.

Are you a current NFIB member? If not, why not? Being an NFIB member yourself allows you to vote the ballots and get all the resources made available to our members. Plus you’ll have knowledge about what it is you are encouraging your clients to take part in. Remember, you don’t have to sell it, just share it.

Below is the current rate card and an “invoice” with my address and phone number. Simply complete the form and mail your check (or credit card info) to me and I’ll process everything. You’ll then get a receipt via email and a second email to register your preferences. I can answer all of your questions and even process your membership over the phone for faster enrollment.

If you have any questions, I am here to help. Please use my contact information below. 

** Reserve Your Seat Now For The FREE Online Training On February 27th At 5:00 PM PST! Last Year Over 200,000 People Joined Live. Don't Miss Your Only Opportunity Of 2020!

As the Life & Legacy Coach, 
I have 100 "seats" available for 
this online event by 
Tony Robbins and Dean Graziosi. 

I want all of them filled so I can hang on to them. It's OK if you register and can't make it. If that happens then I can give your seat to someone else but at least I keep the seat open! 

Otherwise, if you are a coach, business person or a seeker of success you'll want to attend anyway so grab your seat now.

Don't miss this event. You can only be invited by a coach 
or a friend of Dean or Tony. I'm a friend of Dean. 
(I plan to spend time soon with Tony in Fuji so next year if the event is 
repeated, I can say we're friends too). 

Watch a quick video here and share with your friends. 
The clock is ticking and the seats are filling. 

Minimum Wage, more money in your pocket but more money needed to buy; no gain and more pain.

Most business owners understand that the minimum wage hike will definitely hurt the economy; but a small few don’t see the ripple effect which will spread across the entire economy. They feel that since they already pay over what the minimum would be that they are “safe”. I spoke to one owner who today said that he would welcome having his (and he mentioned a major chain) competitor having to pay the same or higher wage as he does for his employees.

These few employers like him which exist perhaps haven’t considered how a “one size fits all” wage increase program's impact would be on not only their business but even the well being of their own already highly paid employees.  

From a lower paid employee’s outlook, he or she thinks that at this time they cannot “afford” things because they are not getting paid enough (and they listen to and believe all of the banter by well-intentioned politicians who never held a job or ran a business). They believe that if only they got paid more they would have more and could buy more. Seems simple enough. They do not understand that yes, they will indeed have more money but that money will buy less because the prices on everything will go up too.

If the minimum wage increase went into effect tomorrow this employee with a higher paycheck had better run to the store as fast as his feet can carry him before the store owner raises all the prices to cover giving his overhead. (Overhead is a term employees, politicians and a lot of people on the street don’t know the meaning of). 

People now working two jobs to make ends meet will still work those two, and perhaps three jobs, to pay for the same things they buy now.  The prices of everything goes up in relation to what their new paycheck equals. Wages go up and prices go up; you have more money in your pocket (but it buys less).

When I speak to a business owner like this rarity who hasn’t yet realize how the ripple effect of what the minimum wage hike will do, I applaud them for their choice as a business owner to pay whatever they want, to attract and keep good employees (which is a topic for another time). However, an across the board minimum wage hike will also increase the cost of goods coming into his place of business; which in turn causes him to have to raise the cost of his goods going out his door. He may have to also let employees go to make up for the loss of profit. Then he has to hope the higher price tag on his things are still attractive to his customer so they continue buying and he can stay in business.

Employees pay will be equal and may result in asking for a raise over what they are paid now so they can afford the same level of lifestyle they had been living. Or they may find it more attractive to work at another business which which offers things that wages can't "buy" like flexibility and location closer to home; or doesn’t require working as hard as they currently do, but at the same wage.

There are solutions to help people be able to afford a better lifestyle but a one sized government program, according to most business owners, isn’t it.  

Do you own a small business? If you appreciate this, please consider "following by email". Also, if you are not a member of NFIB, please find out more and allow me to enroll you. Details below. 

I recently saw this on Facebook and since it's 
related to this topic, I thought I'd share it here. 

Image may contain: 4 people, possible text that says 'HOW DOES "TRICKLE DOWN" WORK AGAIN? FIRST, THE 1% GETS ALL THE MONEY AND THEN WHAT? THAT'S IT'

These are the comments which followed... 

Except in many small business that give their employees raises due to the tax savings. But hey...believe what you want!

Life is all about choices , I’ve worked the corporate lifestyle ,I was just a number , I was disposable , I was unemployed for 2 years , March 1 I open my 2nd store! I can’t provide benefits, but I do pay good wages for those who work , some people would rather punch a clock , and leave work at 5pm with no worries , some people don’t want the stress or pressure of a small business .

The 1% does not "get all" the money, they earned their money. People that have money invest in businesses in one many different ways. It could be investing in businesses they created. It could be providing capital for other businesses to grow and succeed. It could be purchasing a product or service from another business. There are many other examples. Many people would be worse off without the success of higher income earners trickling down to them.

And here is my 3 Cents: 

NFIB was able to get the 20% tax deduction for small businesses (it was only going to go to the C corps and up) which has helped the small business owner to give raises to their employees; in some cases over what the proposed minimum wage would do. I really appreciate what Ken, Jonathan and Dave are all saying. Here's an article I wrote which was published about the minimum wage issues which addresses this topic partly. Let me know what you think.

What say you? Please leave your comments below. 

Three Ways Tax and Financial Professionals can increase business by promoting...

Attention CPAs, Accountants and Financial related Professionals. Set yourself apart and set yourself up to win, by sharing this knowledge with your clients. 

How would you like to offer more services to your clients which will not cost you a penny but will make you and your firm look great in the eyes of your current clients?

How would you like to double or triple your business with just referrals alone?


My name is Ter Scott. I’ve been helping small business clients for well over 25 years with marketing and more. Today I keep busy serving my personal clients and speaking around the country as the Small Business Adviser and Business Resource Consultant.

In just a few minutes, I’ll show you how you can offer just 3 “products” and services to your clients that WILL set you apart from your competition, and get you more referrals and more business.

You won’t make any direct remuneration from them, but it won’t cost time or a dime to implement them in what you already do AND WILL MAKE YOU A GIANT in your client’s eyes (and in return they will become ambassadors of referrals for you).

Today tax professionals are experiencing many things which can severely affect their businesses. Small business owners are looking for alternatives to your services. They want answers to what is relevant to them today; not just “business as usual”. Here are two things I found.

Per Capterra, In 2020, accounting will be about much more than crunching the numbers. Here are the biggest accounting challenges today and how to solve them.

“…technology is reducing the need for traditional, rules-based accounting skills and increasing demand for financial analysis and strategy. But you can’t just roll out of bed one day and start doling out financial advice to your clients”.

An article by the Alliott group states that a colossal shift is happening in every sector– Accountants and lawyers need to open their minds or be eaten up.

My suggestion to avoid being “eaten” is to do these three things which will truly set your business apart from others and virtually guarantee a stream of business owner clients.
OK, I’m going to get right to the point because your time is valuable and so is mine. Here goes.

At this moment while you are reading this, membership reps of NFIB (National Federation of Independent Business) are canvasing every business population in America, that’s a good thing. NFIB has been helping small business owners join together in pushing back on harmful regulation that could hurt them, their business and their employees.  NFIB's mission is to promote and protect the right of our members to own, operate and grow their businesses.

The U.S. Census Bureau’s Business Dynamics Statistics reveal that over the last 25 years, an average of one in every 12 employer firms closes down every year. 

NFIB helps small business owners to keep their businesses running profitably so they can stay in business. When they stay in business, they stay as your clients.

So the number one step I recommend is to be a member of NFIB and promote membership to your clients; they will thank you for it. I can help you to become a member of NFIB if you are not a member currently, and I have handouts which make it easy to promote membership to your clients.

If you are not yet a member yourself, I would strongly suggest that you contact my office and allow me to give you’re the details and get you started. Among all the things which a membership will do for you and your business, it will keep you abreast of what the challenges are for your clients who own a small business. I will email you handouts which you can easily copy and distribute to your clients. One popular right now is the Form 1040 which presents how NFIB was responsible for getting your clients the 20% tax deduction.
Being is an NFIB member and promoting it to your clients is first way in how you can help your clients to love you and give you referrals. Contact me today and let’s start that conversation. I can help you regardless of where your firm is located in the USA but I will need to speak directly to the owner of the business.

The second and third steps (and offerings you should make to your clients) are both the W.O.T.C. program and the Estimated Tax Calculator. These are DIY tools which you can offer to your clients. They take just a few moments where they enter their information and we take it from there. Most CPAs, Accountants and related tax professionals do not want to mess with these things because frankly they aren’t profitable for their time, but for us, our proprietary software makes it feasible; and in turn profitable for your clients. You promote the websites and we’ll find monies which over 90% of tax firms are unable to find. Again, you won’t earn income directly from the W.O.T.C. program and the Estimated Tax Calculator but will certainly make you the hero when your client’s find monies which you were unable to or it isn’t in your list of services.

Your clients need to hear about NFIB and the W.O.T.C. program and the Estimated Tax Calculator  from you.

Regardless whether you tell your clients about NFIB or share how they can save up to $9600 with new hires or get huge tax savings with our online calculator, they will find out about these opportunities on their own. NFIB reps will call on them and enroll them. My firm will continue to market our W.O.T.C. and Tax Savings Calculator online where we get hundreds of businesses enrolling daily. Now that you know about this, you don’t have to let your clients come to you and ask you why you didn’t tell them.

Don’t wait a moment longer. Pick up the phone and call me. Or use my contact form. Click on the links and get the details; you can even use the W.O.T.C and Tax Savings Calculator for your own business and see how much you could be saving!

Promote NFIB, and add our W.O.T.C. and Tax Savings Calculator to your services. Request and print the handouts on your letterhead and share them. It’s that easy and you will be the hero. Remember that you won’t earn directly from offering this knowledge to your clients but you will gain in many other ways by being the professional your clients will respect you as.
If you would like more ideas to promote and increase your revenue, request my Monthly Financial Tips eLetter.

Make it a great day!
Ter Scott!

NOTE: Please visit NFIB.com to research the organization but please do not register to become a member at the site. Please contact me and allow me (Membership Rep #3A687) to register your membership. 

PS. We offer a program in which financial professionals can earn substantial sums when offering the W.O.T.C. and Tax Savings Calculator to their clients if you would like to have a more hands on approach. If you are interested, please ask me how.

"As a business owner, what is your major concern?" asks Ter Scott, Small Business Advisor

Small businesses across America and hit hard by many issues which can severely affect their livelihood and that of their employees. I want to help by addressing areas of interest. 

Please tell me which are the top two issues from this list that concern your business (in order of highest concern) in the comments section after this article.

OR, if you are able to take the time, number all 4 in order of importance.

If you have a concern which is not on this list, please let me know.

Here are the top 4 Federal concerns as per NFIB, the National Federation of Independent Business.





Thanks for your input. I will use use this data to create future articles.

By the way, if you are not yet a member of NFIB, as a membership rep for the organization I would like to invite you to allow me to process your membership. To get more details on how an NFIB membership can help you and your business CLICK HERE and read my article.

Tax Professionals, send your clients here for added value.

Your tax professional sent you here. We make it very easy for you to find possible increased tax savings for your business. We do not charge a fee to find monies so you have nothing to lose. When you use our Tax Savings Portal to do an easy search, we will charge only a small part of the savings found; if you want to move forward.

One of our professionals will contact you to answer all of your questions after you've entered your search. Get ready to be pleasantly surprised, we find money for about 90% of our clients. Simply click on the image below to go to the page and start your search.

(If you came here without an invitation by a tax professional, you may still use the search function. It is recommended that you share your findings with your tax professional if desired but it is not mandatory).

Tax Professionals send Business Clients Here for easy and fast W.O.T.C.

Your Tax Professional sent you here. To find out how much you can save on your next hire, simply click on the image which will take you to the actual web page, and then enter your information. After doing so, you are not under any obligation unless you choose to continue at a very minimal monthly rate to use our software. You'll have access to a staff member who can answer any of your questions and assist you.

$3,600 on Average For

Business Owners, Print and Submit Free Form to CPA or Accountant to get up to 20% Tax Deduction

Here is a copy of the 1040 form that your tax professional completes and submits to the IRS to claim your tax refund. NFIB stood up for small businesses and got this legislation passed; for all small business (S Corp on down to sole proprietor).

Simply right click on the images below, copy and paste onto a word doc, print and take to your tax professional BEFORE you get your taxes done.

If you have questions, feel free to contact me using the contact form on this page.

Are you a member of NFIB? If not, why not? The membership fees are very, very low and the value as a member is very, very high. Click here to read more about NFIB and how you can join if you'd like.

TAX ALERT: Also, I want you to know that about 99% of all businesses, regardless of the number of employees miss out on benefits and monies. I've also included images and links to where you can find out in less than 30 seconds if your business qualifies. If if does, you can then request more information. Our fees are taken out of what we find for you and your business. Click on the following two images for details... 

Interested in improving your bottom line by collecting revenue that was uncollected and frankly going to be written-off? We will collect much of the difficult remaining claims. Contact us today.

One of our services includes increasing revenue for health care providers
through our proprietary billing and coding algorithms and analysis on a contingency basis.

The Docent Group's As a representative of the Docent Group, we provide an introduction of the
advanced billing recovery system to health care providers, administrators,billing specialists, and other parties interested in improving their bottom line by collecting revenue that was uncollected and frankly going to be written-off. We are not wanting to replace your current billing staff or billing company; we will collect much of the difficult remaining claims. Keep your current billers and we will get the tough claims; it's all profit for you!


If you have unpaid and underpaid insurance billings, we will set up a RISK-FREE analysis of your practice, containing NO OBLIGATION, to see how much money we can recover for you on a contingency basis should you decide to move forward.

The video below explains the logic and mechanics behind our ground-breaking system; although it is not meant to explain ALL the details as each practice is unique, and will answer most of your questions.

​The next step is simply to have a representative from your practice join a phone call with one of our friendly experts to ask all the questions you may have. We are transparent and simply want to help you ethically, easily, and rapidly. 

Please contact me via the information in the business card image at the top of this article. You'll be leaving a message at my central "Multiple Companies Message Center". After we speak you'll get my personal cell phone number. Or, you may wish to use the contact form on this page. I look forward to speaking with you soon. 

Terry (Ter) Scott

Interested in improving your bottom line by collecting revenue that was uncollected and frankly going to be written-off? We will collect much of the difficult remaining claims. Contact us today.