What's so great about Alignable?

... quite a bit actually, 

Because that's  ... 

Image result for alignable logo

but I believe we could be EVEN more effective! 


My name is Ter Scott and if you are here it’s because you clicked my link when I congratulated you for a work anniversary, birthday or other celebration on Alignable recently. I am very sincere when stating that Alignable is awesome but communications seldom get beyond “Hello” and “Congrats”; at least for most people.

I want that to be different between you and me.

And I could not be any more sincere about that!

Please email me or contact me using my contact details below telling me about you, what makes what you do “different” and why I should recommend you and what you do, to my contacts in your local area, in the USA and/or around the world.

 If you won't do that; then I can't and won't help you succeed, prosper or move forward. If you don't reply then please stop reading and go back to whatever it is you were doing. If this is your attitude then you should ask yourself why you are even on Alignable anyway. 

But, if you've read this far I think you and I have something in common; we want to succeed, prosper and move forward in doing what we love doing and what it is we want the "world" to know about with our listing on Alignable. So let's move forward together as friends and business partners! 

Succeed, prosper and move forward; 
or get out of the way! 
Ter Scott! 

Feel free to become a “pen pal” of sorts too; stay in contact and let me know what updates are going on for you.

Now, a bit about me and what I can do to help you.

I work with local businesses; and also with my Alignable business friends across the entire USA via screen share so wherever you are, we can connect and help each other! 

I’m “The” Life & Legacy Coach™, 
The Bricks to Clicks Marketing Consultant™, 
Speaker and Presenter. 

I’m a Senior Advisor for Stryde Solutions, helping businesses recapture monies owed to them and I do this on a contingency basis (if my team doesn’t find you money, you don’t pay). 

Plus I offer “Alternative Investments” which fit into whatever financial area or stage in life you may be in. 

And I also own MyImprintRepDOTcom, an Imprinted Promotional Item company which offers free shipping to first-time buyers (and other benefits for clients), and who doesn’t use at least an imprinted pen to get their message out, right?

I have over 100 blogs and about 10 Facebook groups and pages where you can promote you and what you do, for FREE! 

Everything I do is a 3 pronged approach to helping others succeed; money, marketing, and motivation.

Surely from my list of services above, in all that I offer you, something appeals to you today. Please contact me and start the conversation.

So really, let's not just be a face and address on Alignable, let's really connect and help each other! 

Make it a great day!

Ter Scott. 
Visit Ter on Alignable: 

Request Free Shipping on your first order of Imprinted Promotional Items: 

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