All Solutions Known finds Individuals and Business Owners Money, really!

Within minutes of doing a bit of research for this article, I found and applied for $30 that was owed me. That's not a ton of money but if I told you I'd give you a $25 Amazon card I'm thinking you'd probably take it right? But it gets better! I also found and applied for about $500 that my deceased father was owed and, I also found about $500 for a friend and sent her the link so she could take action to follow through.

My company, All Solutions Known finds money owed to business owners and individuals. 

Depending on several variables, sometimes I can do this for you at no fee or a minimum fee; and sometimes like with what I will share with  you today, you can do it yourself and keep all of the money.

Below I am sharing a link to a site where you can see if you are owed any unclaimed money. It’s the same site I just told you about above. It’s easy and actually fun; who doesn’t like to find money? You can do a search for yourself and for others. (Find something for a friend and email him or her a screenshot with the link and they will be a friend for life).

Individuals, Find Money Here

Also, if you are a business owner or CEO of a large company, our team can help you too. We find the money for over 90% of everyone who comes to us. We do not charge any upfront fees to do this so even if you think your financial expert has you covered, you can be sure.  We only get paid if we find you money and when you move forward we collect a small fee for our services.

Business Owners, Find out what monies are owed you now. We’ll even show you 6 Tax Credits in 60 Seconds. 

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