Is Drive Planning's REAL, "real"? 10% ROR in every 90 days with only a minimum of $20,000?


To my CEO and COO of Drive Planning: 

I appreciate your professionalism with everything. I haven’t had any confusion, or questions with my clients but I truly appreciate how you, as leaders, keep on top of everything. A small thing that I find with the REAL product is that because Drive Planning makes this reachable by those who aren’t considered the affluent or experienced investors, they can’t believe it’s “real” (pun not intended; but it works). This issue never comes up with a client who is accredited and experienced in dealing in this sphere of finances. I am so glad that Drive Planning’s model makes it possible to get higher returns in shorter time frames, by bringing the strategies of the affluent to almost everyone. Thanks for all! Terry Scott Drive Planning Financial Consultant.

Got questions? Want to learn more? Want to qualify as a client? Visit and click on my name, Terry Scott from the "Select an Advisor" and leave me a message. 

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