Be your own best consultant when you are reopening your business.

Ter Scott, Business Adviser and Resource Consultant shares 1 tip for every business owner when starting a business or restarting their business.

CLICK HERE to find visit the page Ter Scott is telling you about in the video.

I’m Ter Scott, your Business Adviser and Resource Consultant here with a valuable business tip; especially to business owners who are just starting out… or reopening.

First I want to give you a power statement and it is this.

The great news is small business owners take pride not only in their own business but in the small business community as well. It’s a collaboration of business owners that makes the difference! If not us, then who?

The “us” is you and every other small business owner who are your neigbors on main street, the back street or a contractor with his or her truck pulling up on your street. It’s the farmer, the contractor, the baker and the dentist, chiropractor, insurance guy or gal, the financial guy; well you get it. And the collaboration also includes the over 75 year old “voice of small business” at your state capital and in Washington DC.

If you are not yet a member, I want you to do something with me in just a minute. Now let’s get to that business tip.

Reopening is much like starting all over again, but with the wisdom and knowledge you’ve acquired when you were running your business. When starting again, try to be your own consultant. What would you tell yourself that you would do differently if you were able to start again? Because now you have that opportunity.

Click on the link below to get to my page where I explain how you can learn more about that “voice of small business” and how your small business will be benefited by being a member. Do your research. Talk to your local business neighbors.

CLICK ON THIS LINK to visit the page. 

Then get back to me and let me register you as a new member. You’ll really be glad that you did.
Together we’ll decide what membership fee is affordable for you, I will explain everything, plus I have some special bonuses when you click the link below to find out more.

Remember that there is real hope for small business because small business owners are resilient. Your power statement is small business owners take pride not only in their own business but in the small business community as well.

And your business tip for today is to use that natural enthusiasm which comes with opening your business and if you are re-opening, rekindle that enthusiasm and speak from your wisdom and knowledge to the “new you” in re-opening with a new vision.

This is Ter Scott, your business advisor and resource consultant saying,

Make it a great day!

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