Local Business Owners need funds they don't have to repay, here's how to help them.

Are you a business owner who has taxes due, or will shortly, need to repay PPP loan, or simply need access to money? Why not get money that you don't need to repay? We can help you with our proprietary system which has already delivered over $500M in Local, State, and Federal Tax Incentives to our clients; all at zero upfront fees. Visit our secure site, enter a few figures and activate your account. It's that simple. Our Industry Experts will work with you to discover which incentives your are eligible for. Fees are based on a percentage of savings. Visit secure monies calculator here.

If you are here, you most likely have requested to partner with me and my business in some manner. Here is a letter I usually send to those who are considering creating a considerable sized business helping business owners stay in business and come out stronger by smartly using available (but mostly unknown) tax incentives which are funds that DO NOT NEED TO BE REPAID.

I and my team are very busy, and have been all year, assisting business owners directly, alongside their tax professional and through advisors like myself and because you are reading this, possibly you.

So here is my letter with the informative links. If you have an interest, you can contact me via the Stryde Agent link below or using the contact form on this page.

Thanks for your interest.

Please reply with links to your sites so I can know more about you and what you do and intend to do.

Also, (Day) at (time) Central Time would be ideal for me, but if you can confirm by today’s end, ___  or ___   would work as well.

Yes, I would consider collaborating to the extent that I can. I’m very busy right now “saving” businesses, literally; by helping them get tax incentives and monies that they don’t have to repay. I and my team at Stryde Solutions out of Fenton Michigan are looking to add advisors, like myself to our team. I’ve got a link here. (Stryde Agent Link, Ter Scott, Senior Stryde Advisor).  

It’s best that we both know a bit about each other before our call so we can be as concise as possible.
To find an “overview” of most of what I do for business owners, please check out this link. 

I look forward to a brief call on Thursday at the time you select. 

Let’s just start with 15 minutes max. for now.

Make it a great day!

Ter Scott

PS. Are you a business owner who has taxes due, or will shortly, need to repay PPP loan, or simply need access to money? Why not get money that you don't need to repay? We can help you with our proprietary system which has already delivered over $500M in Local, State, and Federal Tax Incentives to our clients; all at zero upfront fees. Visit our secure site, enter a few figures and activate your account. It's that simple. Our Industry Experts will work with you to discover which incentives your are eligible for. Fees are based on a percentage of savings. Visit secure monies calculator here.


Terry Scott is a Senior Advisor with Stryde Solutions. Terry Scott and their team work with clients on a national level to identify Specialized Tax Incentives, Expense Reduction and Financial enhancement opportunities.

Stryde Solutions has identified greater than $4 Billion in benefits for businesses and business owners like those you work with. Stryde offers the one opportunity that EVERY prospect and ALL of your clients are looking for - enhanced profit margins. Our revolutionary business service distinguishes you from every competitor and gets you through doors that are closed to everyone else.

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