3 Important Services every Business Should Use

 My name is Ter Scott and these are 

the three main things which I do for business owners. 


I help you to stop the "money leaks" in your business. Just like losing heat in a drafty home, businesses lose a lot of money through these leaks. Most businesses are losing money in these areas: 

Credit Card Processing, Employer Payroll Tax Incentives, Parcel Shipping, Property Owner Tax Incentives, Property Taxes, Waste & Recycling and Work Comp Insurance. 


We have helped thousands of companies reduce expenses and obtain large federal tax incentives that would otherwise go un-captured.  Our services are not limited to any single industry focus. Over 90% of all businesses can benefit from one or more of our services.

We will do an expense audit for your company at no up front fees. If we don't find areas where you have these money leaks, you'll have the peace of mind knowing that all is well. If we do find areas which need to be patched, we'll do so with your permission and take a fee for our services. We work on a contingency basis and if we don't find you money, you don't pay. Either way you win. 

Contact me today or get the process started here. 

Start the process here. 


Ask LLC is partnered with Halo Branded Solutions. 

HALO employs 300 corporate service team members with decades of knowledge and experience who support the over 500 creative and resourceful Account Executives across the nation who focus on implementing effective marketing solutions for over 40,000 satisfied clients each year.

HALO is a global leader of promotional solutions, combining creativity, innovation and the most sophisticated technology for dynamic results. As a "full-service" promotional products distributor, we offer:

Company stores and fulfillment services

Industry-leading customer service from over 500 Account Executives throughout the United States and a support staff of over 300

Competitive pricing, including our popular Best Sellers and BrandED merchandise programs

Secure Source, HALO's comprehensive product safety and social compliance program

Award winning marketing support for your internal and external branding campaigns

Recognition, rewards, and incentive programs built to inspire and engage your workforce.

CLICK HERE to search Halo's vast warehouse of imprinted options. 


I am a membership rep for NFIB. I work with business owners located anywhere in the USA. 


NFIB is the voice of small business, advocating on behalf of America’s small and independent business owners, both in Washington, D.C., and in all 50 state capitals. NFIB is nonprofit, nonpartisan, and member-driven. Since our founding in 1943, NFIB has been exclusively dedicated to small and independent businesses, and remains so today.


When a big issue affects small and independent businesses, NFIB is there. We have been for over 75 years, and we will continue to be. We represent our members’ interests—our one member, one vote balloting process guides our work.

NFIB has an ear to the ground on what’s happening in Washington, D.C., and the state capitals. That puts NFIB at the forefront of advocating on today’s most pressing small business issues, such as taxes, healthcare, and regulations.


When NFIB speaks, legislators listen. They know that we bring them the voice of small business. 

That voice, hundreds of thousands strong, comes directly from NFIB’s members and our research—combined, they make a powerful and influential case for our advocacy.

Because of NFIB’s credibility, we are asked to bring the small business perspective to Congress, state capitals, the courts, and the media. 

You can certainly register at NFIB.com but I want to be sure that your area gets the credit and that you get all of your benefits and bonuses. Call me to choose an affordable membership fee for your type and size of business. You'll get a receipt immediately in your email box while we're on the phone. 

Those are the THREE big things which I offer for business owners; of businesses employing 1 to 1000. 
I look forward to helping you and your business strive in this economy! 

Make it a great day! 

Ter Scott! 

PS. I also offer business consulting, and other services which I will reveal as we work together but the above three are the main things which I do (and do well) for my clients. Don't wait, most businesses are "hurting" as you read this. Let's work together to stop it.  

OK, if you've read this far you are part of the top 5% however if you are not now earning what the top 5% are earning, it is because you are doing the fourth thing/service which I offer. If you are interested, use the contact form on this page and ask "What the heck are you talking about Ter?"

(HINT: The above paragraph is in "green" for a reason). 

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