11 + 6 = 17; What's the Significance to Your Success?


11 plus 6 is 17; which is the year. 11/6/17 is today's date. And, it is also something else; a day you'll want to mark on your calendar, that is, when you attend this awesome webinar by my friend T Harv Eker! 

(Webinar is today; 11/6/17. If when you click the image below,
 another date and time option appears, this means today's webinar is full). 

“After my husband and I took one of your programs our lives forever changed. It was one of the most important steps in an amazing personal journey, that lead us to our amazing life. We are now more than financially abundant and enjoying personal and business growth. Thank you so much.” Aviva Varey Keely

Associating with Harv has changed my life and his teachings continue to change my life; and those of others who my "students", clients, and even friends. What I've learned from Harv has helped me so I continually "forward" his teachings in my consulting of MONEY - MARKETING - MOTIVATION.

But you've got to get your spot confirmed TODAY! Don't wait, CLICK HERE.

This webinar is totally free but like I've told others, don't devalue it because you aren't "paying" for it. Because quite frankly you are, you are "spending" your time away from doing something else you might think you would rather be doing. So instead of "spending" time doing something else, think of this as "investing" your time and in yourself.

David explains how Harv's teaching has helped him in real estate, but I guarantee you'll go to your own next level in whatever area of concentration and industry you reside:

“Ever since Harv's class I have gone from being worth $0 to now having almost $800,000 in real estate, a fully paid for car, and my beloved Harley. I did it on a $13/hour job and with some wise investing in real estate and house flipping. Everything I touch turns to gold!”
David Jackson

So don't delay because space is limited (even though you don't need to drive or fly to attend physically; but there is a limit due to bandwidth restrictions etc.). Plus, this may not be repeated again. See you there. CLICK HERE. 

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