“Struggling” is always an opportunity
for advancement and promotion
when you recognize it and seize the moment.
-Ter Scott!
As the Life and Legacy coach™ I offer consulting to individuals and assist them in creating balance in their lives; and when they also own a business (which is something I lead most all of my Life and Legacy clients toward) I assist business owners (and related positions such as CEOs, Managers and others) in creating larger incomes via smart use of tax incentives, expense reductions and marketing strategies as the Bricks to Clicks Marketing Consultant™.
The above “answer” is something everyone needs to know and take action on and especially those who own businesses and have taken on even greater responsibilities.
Take the quote and use it in which area applies to you.
Make it a great day!
Ter Scott
PS. If you are a business owner, you don’t need to check this out; you must check this out. The financial welfare of your business in these next 12 months will depend on your action:
Find out how much money you are not getting from the government. (If you think you pay too much in property taxes, you must click here).
If you hire even one employee per year, see how much money you should have been getting from the government. (HINT: Up to $9600 per) click here.
If you believe in helping businesses succeed and keep more of the money they earn, we are looking to help qualified business to business professionals across the USA. Before your area is “taken”,
Interesting article about How Struggling CFOs Can Save Their Jobs HERE
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