Put just a bit more in (your business) to get (much) more out!


Three is a good number and trying to keep my focus on only three things is a difficult thing for anyone, but I’ve come to the conclusion that I must live with it. My rational is that everything I do (and there is much more than just these 3 things; I assure you) is under the umbrella of marketing. That’s probably why I believe that “everything” is marketing. Elsewhere I spoke on money, and then about marketing so now we come to my third “m”, “motivation”.

When I conduct workshops and appear as a speaker in one of our beautiful fifty states (I am still waiting to be invited overseas so if you know someone…?) I definitely have to be “motivational” to not only present the case for what I’m sharing but also to get the audience with me long enough to try it out themselves to hopefully get some measure of success; enough for them to continue on to realize more. But as a business person, what is it that motivates us to do what we do; to do it with all we’ve got in us to give all we can to another in exchange for something in like kind; usually in the form of credit card, coin or cash.

Image result for zig ziglar quote motivationZig Ziglar told us that There is no such thing as a lazy person; he is either sick or uninspired. I also believe that the beginning of motivation is the realization that, as he also said, "In the game of life, before you get anything out, you must put something in!"

This week when you are thinking about your business success (you do think about your business, right?), think about yourself first; because your business is the direct reflection of you; your thoughts and your philosophy. When you are inspired, your business will be electric and “on”. In the game of business, as it is with life, when you put something (more) in, you’ll get something more out; usually much more. You are not tired, you are not inspired!


Write out 10 ways how you can do more this week to make your business “more”.

As promised, here’s my ad:

Try out my coaching sessions. I’ve been in the business of helping business for over 25 years and I get up every day loving what I do. You can choose from the personal “Life and Legacy”™ coaching which runs on my Major 8™ success track to attain and maintain balance in the 8 most desired areas of life or get right to the Bricks to Clicks Marketing Consulting™ where you learn how to translate your offline “Bricks and Mortar” business to a “Clicks and Order”™ business. You can get more details here.

I’m also very excited to offer my readers an opportunity to attend a 3 day educational event at one of 13 locations across the USA. This is about a $1,000 value and all you pay is your travel, eats and lodging. Get the details here (I can only offer 5 seats per location and they are filling fast).  

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