LinkedIn "Ad" done for you

 Hello. I have used LinkedIn to build my business for many years. Today I am offering my readers a "Done for You Service". 

If you like this ad, I will create one for you including all the cool stuff I'll explain below! 

First, do you like this ad and would you use an ad like this to direct people to your social media page, website or even your Amazon product page? (The possibilities are literally "endless")

Why have me do this for you? 

Because it works. I've increased my Facebook following (to multiple Facebook page) and LinkedIn following (you can see proof right here): 

I currently have almost 4,000 followers on LinkedIn. Is that a lot; or not? Well, if you don't have that many it may seem like a lot but here's the real question. How many of these followers are giving me money; in the form of sales, coaching and consulting? 

So if you want an ad like this: 

A box like this
includes a QR code 
includes a title within the box
includes a logo of your site 
and even suggested wording; a script to copy and paste in your post

Then use the contact form to get started. The fee for me to do an ad like this is $500 flat fee and you can use the ad over and over again; as many times as you want and in as many social media platforms you want; YOU OWN IT~!

So, BTW I've only got 24 hours each day just like you so when I have "too many" takers on this offer I'll have to place you on a waiting list. 

That's it for today! Make it a great one! 
Ter Scott, Business Advisor and Resource Consultant

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