America's #1 Cash Flow Consultant offers easiest way to bring in $500K to your Nonprofit Organization within days.


Could your organization help more with an additional 

$500K from your members? 

Here is one fundraising idea you should consider... 

Dear Organization Leader,

Good day! Here is a very lucrative plan to bring funds into your organization that surpasses anything else you have probably ever considered.

Hello. My name is Terry (Ter) Scott. I’m a Resource and Cash Flow Consultant with my own firm Ask LLC which is based in Superior, Wisconsin.

As a senior advisor for Stryde Solutions, I and my team of professionals find where companies are overpaying and losing money in everyday business essentials such as Credit Card Processing, Employer Payroll, Parcel Shipping, Property Taxes, Waste & Recycling, and Work Comp Insurance with our audit service.  We even show where they may be losing out on Tax Incentives and Property Owner Tax Incentives.

We have helped thousands of companies reduce expenses and obtain large federal tax incentives that would otherwise go uncaptured.  Our services are not limited to any single industry focus and over 90% of all businesses can benefit from one or more of our services.

Your local non-profit organization can share in the monies that we find for your members who own businesses; which can be quite substantial. As an example, if one of your members owns a motel we could possibly find them $240,000 in savings just like we’ve done for other hotels/motel owners since 2015.

The fundraising program I’m proposing is simple. 

We do all the work with your member. We will find him or her money and they commit to giving your organization 10% from what they receive. In the case of the motel/hotel owner above, that would be $24,000. This in fact is a real-life example but modestly, we’ll probably find $10K TO $50k for most of your members, which equates to $1,000 to $5,000 each; but when multiplying that by the number of your members who own businesses, this could mean a ton of money that your organization can put to good use.

Here’s how it works.

Your member visits our blog page which explains the program.

They are first prompted to contact you to complete an agreement between themselves and your club which commits them to give 10% (or any amount they desire) to the organization when monies are received. (This agreement is entirely between you and them; we at Ask LLC and Stryde Solutions only provide the money search service and your member will be paid by us for our service from monies we find. They then pay your organization whatever they have agreed on; we recommend 10%). They are also responsible for contacting their financial advisor/CPA for information about any taxes or tax breaks that may occur.  

(Be sure to send/email us a copy of their commitment form and we’ll be sure to notify you of the amount your member receives to determine the amount he or she has committed to giving your organization).

Your member is provided a link to start a search. We will do an in-depth search; locally, state, regionally, and nationally, for your member completely free of charge. Our process finds all government programs for that business type, location, and other qualifying criteria and we then present a detailed estimate of monies available, which is exclusive for that specific business owner’s business. Essentially, 10% of that amount would go to your organization.*

*Your member may have options in which his or her business may qualify for future monies. For ease of bookkeeping we recommend that your organization receive 10% of the initial monies your member receives; and not from any ongoing programs they may choose to continue with.  

Our service is totally at no fee up to that point; if we don’t find your member money, we don’t charge anything for our time and we don’t make any money.

Your member can stop here or decide to move forward. When they stop here, they do not collect any monies revealed by the search and they do not give anything to your organization.  

If the business owner wants to continue the process; to collect what our service has found, he or she clicks the “activate” button on our secured site and schedules a “discovery call”. The call is an approximately 30-minute phone or virtual session with our team to determine all possible solutions and what options the member would like to move forward with. There is absolutely no pressure; it is a “reveal” of all programs that can be tapped that the initial search did not reveal. When and if they choose to move forward, we’ll collect a fee from the monies found.

In summary, the program works like this:

  • Your member does a search completely cost-free; with no upfront fees to find any existing monies owed to their business. 
  • If they decide to move forward and collect on these found monies, we'll have a “discovery call” explaining the process and find all program options. 
  • Your member receives lost monies.
  • We collect our fee.
  • Your member pays your organization 10% of the monies they receive.

 So in presenting this program to your members, it’s a no brainer.

Your member uses our secured online platform to determine if monies are available; at no fee. If we do not find your member money, they’ve spent maybe 2 minutes of their time.

However, if we find them money and they move forward to collect, this means a large lump of money for your organization. (Again, this is all between them, their CPA/accountant/financial professional, and your organization using whatever agreement you decide; we simply find and deliver the monies).

That’s how everything works in a nutshell.

You can have total confidence knowing that since 2015 we’ve helped thousands of companies reduce expenses and obtain large federal tax incentives that would otherwise, go uncaptured so I believe that this could easily become a very successful fundraising activity for your organization. In full disclosure, I will state that I’ve not offered this as a fundraising program before. I am rolling this out to a few organizations this month as a test. With success, I will continue offering it to other organizations. I will work closely with you and your organization to be sure everything is clear and workable. 

To see how much money a member could bring to your organization, a very quick, and easy test is to click on the following link and enter a few numbers into our secured online calculator. Then multiply the final result by 10%. You don’t even have to use a “real business name”, but be sure to use actual figures and your city/state/zip to get the most accurate result.

Here is the link to our secured online calculator:

Another option would be that as a business owner, you could complete the process for your own business first, so you know we are who we say we are and stand by what we say that we do. Then after experiencing success, you'll be as confident as we are to promote this to your organization

Either way, please reach out to me, and let’s see how this program could work for your organization.


Terry (Ter) Scott

Small Business Adviser and Business Resource Consultant

Please leave your short message, company name, your name, number, and the best time to reach you via my contact information at my website:

Links that may be helpful:

Jason Ziccarelli Stryde Savings CEO & Founder,

Stryde Savings Site

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