You don’t have to Chase Business with Attraction Marketing

When I offer what might be called “success advice” to business owners as I will here, but please know that if you are a sales person or subcontractor, this also applies to you; because your paycheck depends on you taking “ownership”. Even when you are working a regular 9 to 5 job (if that even exists anymore) you will get something out of my words today because ultimately you “sign your own paycheck”. I won’t go into that concept today but you probably understand what I’m saying.  Attraction marketing will bring you more business, more sales, and additional income in just about anything you do for “work”.

Here’s a formula for success in a step by step format which you can use immediately plus a simple but straightforward marketing system which will “attract” business so you won’t have to “chase” it.
The formula for success in (and with) anything includes only 3 things: write down what you want, write down the action steps that it takes to do it and then do those steps to finally get to your destination. Easy; right? No! Emphatically, I tell you the answer is “NO”*. So why should we think it should be easy? The formula for success is simple but attaining success is not easy. Think about it. If it were “easy” more people would “just do it” (how’s that working for you?) and the equation of being in the top 3% of income earners earning more than the other 97% combined isn’t about to change anytime soon.
*Every time I emphatically declare something such as now with the principle formula there is also a “little voice” in my head that reminds me that there are no “absolutes”; at least when making or presenting such “rules”. When telling you that attaining success is not easy, I don’t want you to think that it is hard. OK, you are thinking, I just said attaining success is hard and now I am saying it is not hard; which is it? The answer is, both. It is not so easy that you don’t need to exert some effort but it is not so hard that you need to stress over it. Just do it.
Here are the steps; don’t just read the following, do it.
Get a pen and paper and
Write down what you want (in your business, in general with a few “specifics”)
Write down the action steps you think it will take to accomplish this. Now do some research online to learn what others say is required to accomplish what it is that you want. (And if you are really smart and you have some coin, invest in a mentor who will help you get what you want faster). 
Write it ALL down*.
Now set some dates as to when you plan to reach each step. Don’t worry or beat yourself up if you don’t make each step of the way at the time you desired. Things happen and they are supposed to happen for a reason (that’s a subject I’ll cover some other time). When you’ve gone on trips you’ve had road blocks, detours, traffic jams etc. Unless something extraordinary happened, you eventually made it to your destination. 
TIP: *In doing the above, be sure to actually “write” with a pen or pencil on paper. There is something about doing it this way versus typing or using voice to text on a PC or similar.
In the first “what do you want” category above you need to ask yourself, “what do I want; really?” Take some time with this; don’t dismiss things easily and also feel free to come back to this from time to time and update your “want list”. You probably know that most people don’t have an (insert your choice of expletive here) clue as to what they really want in life.
“Life” is a pretty big thing (or should be), so let’s downsize our description or at least compartmentalize it a bit. Trying to cover life as a whole like saying that “I want to do a paper or speech about music”; that’s way too broad, you might want to start with Rock n Roll, and that’s even pretty broad; so you eventually chose to write or talk about the Rolling Stones. Go ahead and look at your life in the broad sense but set goals in time and year “chunks” so you can get an understanding and grasp of it. Since I’m The “Bricks to Clicks Marketing Consultant”™ and you are reading this you probably own a business; so the part of your life we’ll discuss is, even though this too can be a broad topic, business.
Now after all this, DO IT! 
So what do you want in your business?
I’ll leave this as an “assignment” for you to do for now. Later I’ll share a simple attraction marketing plan which will help you to attract what it is that you want in a way that you can also "track" your results. So be sure to return to this site for updates. 
For now, your assignment is to first write down the 3 steps to success and think about how you can do each. Perhaps you already knew these steps. If so you need to ask yourself why have I not been doing them, why have I strayed from them or made the steps more complicated or maybe this has been a great reminder. At any rate, spend some time on this and let us know in the comments area what your thoughts are and your results.
Make it a great day! 
Ter Scott!
Bricks to Clicks Marketing Consultant™ 
Please leave comments, thoughts and questions below. 

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