Small Business needs Financial Help now. 70 Second Video tells why.

Please watch this video. Then if you are not yet a member of NFIB, please contact me and join today. If you are a member, please share this blog post with other business owners so they can join today. Small business is in the fight of its life and we need to fight together.

Read further down and you'll find 3 more 
COVID-19 Funding Videos presented by NFIB legal team. 

Are you looking for funds for cash flow while waiting? 
Click here are options. (Note the Stryde Solutions 
option offers programs which you DO NOT HAVE TO REPAY). 

This video is me explaining the value of NFIB membership. It's the video that 
you must share with other business owners! 

These are important and relevant webinars presented by NFIB legal team and brought to you by Terry Scott, NFIB Membership Rep, NFIB and your local business neighbors who are members. 

For more information and resources, please visit To become a member, please use the contact form on this page to get Terry's specialized brand of service!

NFIB Coronavirus Part II: Congressional and Legal Update for Small Business. WATCH NOW

NFIB Coronavirus Part III: Financial Resources and Updates for Small Business. WATCH NOW

NFIB Coronavirus Part IV: How to Apply for a Coronavirus Small Business Loan. WATCH NOW

For more resources visit or contact your Membership Rep, Terry Scott. (Click image to enlarge): 

The following is the latest Press Release by NFIB: 

WASHINGTON, D.C. (April 23, 2020) — The National Federation of Independent Business (NFIB), the nation’s leading small business advocacy organization, issued the following statement on behalf of NFIB President Brad Close, following the U.S. House of Representative’s passage of the Paycheck Protection Program and Health Care Enhancement Act:
“We are pleased that, at long last, Congress has approved much needed funding for the Paycheck Protection Program and Economic Injury Disaster Loan programs. In particular, NFIB is very appreciative of the administration and small business champions in the Senate who urged quick passage of these funds nearly two weeks ago.
NFIB is fully expecting that this new round of small business assistance will go to small businesses who need it the most, not publicly traded companies and large businesses that have access to other credit options. Going forward, NFIB is calling for more flexibility in a number of areas to make it easier for small business owners to support their businesses and their employees through this crisis. This includes the removal of the SBA requirement that 75% of PPP loans be used for payroll costs in order to be forgiven, a threshold that is far too high for very small businesses to meet. 
It has been three weeks since our research told us that half of small businesses said they will last no longer than one to two months in current conditions, so this funding is welcome news for many. We will continue to work with policymakers to help ensure small businesses have access to the funding that is intended for them and repeat our call that these funds be disbursed without discrimination based on banking relationships and or size of the business.”

You’ve been directed to this video page because you are a small business owner.

Somewhere on this page you’ll find important, updated and relevant information for your business which you can use today.

My name is Terry Scott, I’m a membership rep for NFIB, the National Federation of Independent Business, the largest advocacy group in America for small business. You’ve perhaps been a member in the past or know of someone who has. NFIB has been in the news a lot recently for all of its work in putting small business in the front of the line so they are included in everything which is happening. NFIB gives small business a seat at the table, if you aren’t at the table, you’re on the menu!

You may or may not know about NFIB so I’m going to give you a brief overview and then let you get to the information I’m providing on this page.
The information I’m presenting is courtesy of NFIB and is usually reserved for our members. Membership is a very minimal fee and based on your number of employees. I’m not talking about membership right now. Take advantage of all of this information and resources as a nonmember. NFIB, and I as your membership rep, believe so much in the value of your business, you are getting this just as if you were a member.

(do the tablet) In the future, when an NFIB membership rep stops by your business, please take a few minutes to get updated on how we’re fighting to keep your business strong. We will be concise and to the point because your time is valuable and we are there to help your business; not hurt it.

Of course, if after you use all of these business tools, you consider joining your local business neighbors, please contact me. I’ll be glad to let you know who some of your local neighbors are if you’d like. You can certainly register online at however, when you allow me to register you this is what I’ll do for you.

Fighting for small business requires money to do so. Without the help from small business owners like you we could not continue. We are lean and mean and every penny you invest is used very wisely.

I’ll be sure that you’ll get...
First, know that I’ll process your membership while we are speaking on the phone using your credit card or check; checks are processed “electronically”. And you’ll get your receipt immediately via email while I’m still on the phone.

My cellphone number so you can contact me anytime.

All of your current updated materials kit, which (usually) includes
Regardless of what state you live and are doing business in, even if you are outside my “area” of Wisconsin, you’ll have me as your rep and can contact me about anything. After 12 months you can still call me but you’ll be assigned a membership rep in your area and perhaps even have special attention via our phone support.

Of course you’ll get your membership plaque and door decal...

And my special, personal brand of service!

Oh, and a special “surprise” gift for my appreciation for your membership.

So please, take advantage of these resources somewhere on this page, courtesy of NFIB and me, as our thank you for being a small business owner and for keeping your doors open to help your community, and America’s economy. Did you know that small business makes up 99.9% of business in the USA? That’s you. Thank you!

Then, if you see the value that NFIB is doing for your business, let’s get you started at a membership fee that you decide and is affordable for you.

Make it a great day!
Terry (Ter) Scott
NFIB Membership Rep 3A687

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