Today I am sharing with my readers a free service to search for programs you most likely qualify for; they are all legit and provided by the government to help your business, but you have to know about them to apply. The government isn't going to tell you or make them known, you have to find them for yourself or have some professional service provider tell you about them. If you don't know about them and apply, they'll gladly be used for some other purpose.
I'm a senior advisor with Stryde Solutions which is located in Fenton Michigan. We offer an online search engine which finds government programs that your business qualifies for and it is free. You'll only pay if we find you money. Even when you find monies and programs; you aren't obligated to continue with us but at least you'll know what you have been missing!
All three sites are "secure" so you can enter your information confidentially. When you see all the programs and monies available, if you choose to "hire" us to process everything you'll pay us a very small fee for our work.
If you want to see all the money you have been entitled to but have been missing, click on one or all of the images below to calculate what your company can easily realize, many funds are within days and not weeks or months so this can be a bridge to your cash flow problems while waiting for any stimulus funds you are expecting.
It only takes minutes to do a search, it costs you nothing and if you choose to move forward, I'll be notified and we can set up a meeting to discuss getting your funds. I look forward to hearing from you soon.
If you want to find out more about Stryde Solutions, read this article published by Michigan Biz.
If you are a business owner who owns property, click on this image:
We are experiencing an unprecedented unemployment increase. Some companies are now hiring like never before, and after this COVID episode, more and more companies will be hiring. Now, even small business owners can benefit with every employee they hire; even when hiring just one or two! Click on the image below to find out how much your company will earn with each new hire.
This is the big one; this is our general calculator which searches hundreds of government programs and specifically finds which are available to you in your geographical location and industry.
Still have questions? Contact me using the contact form on this page or using my information below.
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