3 Current Legislative Issues which could close your business. July 2020 Open Letter to Small Business Owners

Dear Valued NFIB Member, Terry; here.

There is a ton of stuff going on behind the scenes which could severely impact your business; as if you needed to hear more “bad” news. But there is also a ton of great stuff too.

·         First though, that 20% deduction that NFIB got for small business is going away; that is if Joe Biden has his way. https://www.foxbusiness.com/money/biden-pledges-to-undo-trumps-tax-cuts-a-lot-of-you-may-not-like-that Visiting the factcheck.org site, they say this is mostly false because this money went to the rich. That is certainly not the case; as this specifically went to the S corps and down. Are you, as a small business owner, “rich”?

·         Our fellow truckers are getting hit with a hike in insurance costs due to the rioting and protestors stopping truckers and hurting them and their property. This would effectively increase current insurance liability requirements for commercial vehicle drivers from $750,000 to $2 million.

If that doesn’t force the trucking company to close its doors, this cost is passed on to you the business owner in the cost of goods and materials and then out your door to your customer.

·         The Illicit Cash Act which would require all of a business owner’s personal information to be submitted to a national data base for ease of access to most everyone, with the failure to do so resulting in fines up to $10,000 and up to 5 years in prison has not gone away! It is just being sneaked into other bills. Its new title is “Beneficial Ownership” via the National Defense Authorization Act; they are trying to attach it to any bill at all to get it passed.
Although this is (some of the) “bad news” the good news is that as a member you learn about these issues before they become law, vote on them via your membership and know that NFIB has you back. Although we don’t win every issue, NFIB wins the majority of them and that’s why, in my opinion, that small business has survived all these years.

You can even share your specific needs with me, with your state director in your state capital, and Member Support at our headquarters in Nashville. 

If I can be of any assistance, please let me know. NFIB has presented some very informative and helpful webinars. CLICK HERE to go to the replay page. 

Thanks so much for your support.
Terry Scott,

LOCAL Membership Rep 3A687
(Contact me using the contact form on this page). 

PS. As a business person myself, I am a resource consultant with products and services to help grow your business.

Click here to search for government programs for COVID relief and reopening funds (many do not have to be repaid).

Click here to visit Halo Branded Solutions for “Anything with an Imprint”. AskHalo4Imprints.com Request my free report Back to Work Playbook for your business. (When on my Halo site, click on image as it rolls across the page).

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