Will the transportation bill called the INVEST Act force trucking companies to close due to high insurance rates?

Dear Trucker (and business owner),

As I’m sure you know, there is an issue gaining steam in the house to drastically increase the cost of insurance. Sadly, if passed this will force many trucking companies to close their doors. This hurts you, your community, the consumers and citizens of this country as a whole.

On Wednesday evening, the House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee approved an amendment introduced by Illinois Rep. Chuy Garcia to a transportation bill called the INVEST Act by a 37 to 27 vote.
Garcia’s amendment would effectively increase current insurance liability requirements for commercial vehicle drivers from $750,000 to $2 million.

My name is Terry Scott and I am contacting you today because as a membership rep for NFIB, I want you to become a member; that is if you are not yet a member. 

You are receiving this communication because we have members in the trucking industry who have voiced their concern and have referred you to me or, we’ve met at some networking or chamber function.

If you do not know about NFIB’s 76 years of being the voice of small business you can visit NFIB.com, or my blog https://askbusinessconsulting.blogspot.com/2020/04/actual-clarity-about-paycheck.html

Then, after doing a bit of research, please call my cell number and leave a message. I can process your membership over the phone (or by mail if you prefer) and you’ll get a receipt immediately in your email box as we are speaking.

The time is now. Let’s not let this and other harmful issues put you out of business.

Terry Scott NFIB Rep 3A687

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