What is the difference between a Coach and a Mentor?

Life & Legacy Coach

Well, I guess everything changes and as the Life & Legacy Coach I know this and encourage my clients to move forward and proactively “be” the change. So I am updating what I do and what I offer. Here I will share a bit about my coaching.

I will explain here, a bit about “who” Ter Scott is, and what it is that I do.

First and foremost, I am a “coach”. I can be a “mentor” but because of my vast background (I am several decades in calendar years) of doing so many different things and helping in so many different industries and with the variety of what I do and have done, I am more of a coach.

Most people do not know the difference between a coach and mentor; and I’ll make the definition easy. 

A mentor has traveled the miles and has gone on to where you want to go and can then, hopefully, show you the way. Think of the letter “M” in “Mentor” as “M” in “Miles”. Not all mentors are good teachers. They don’t even know how they got to where they are. If you have a good mentor who is also a good teacher, pay attention and take direction; you’ve been blessed.

A coach will “coach” you on your way to your goal, your purpose; your destiny. That’s exactly what I do. One of my purposes in life is to share my talents as a guitar player. I’ve taught guitar and in that case, I can also be a mentor and help people get to where I am as a player. I’ve also taught piano; but that isn’t my “instrument” so I have been a “coach” to those students; using my overall experience as a musician to teach. Many of those students have gone on to be successful pianists and have far surpassed my skills on the keyboard.

So that’s the difference, I feel, between what a mentor and a coach is. And I’m mostly a coach.
I coach individuals and I coach individuals who are entrepreneurs and business people which puts me in a role of business consultant; but I may be getting off the subject here with you; which by the way, again is why I’m a coach.

You and I both only have so many hours in a day so if we mutually choose for me to be your coach, we are both fortunate.

If you would like to learn more about my coaching services, the rates and my schedule (and even get a no fee 15 minute session) please contact me.

Would you like to get 15 minutes via phone or Skype with Ter Scott? Request information with a short comment as to why or what your issue is, using the contact form on this site.

Thanks for reading this. Make it a great day! 

Ter Scott! 

I'm having a great time learning from my friend, Jeff Lerner. Check out his free training here

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