Ter Scott's Essential Services to all Businesses. Book mark this page or act now.

Dear Business Person,

Good day.

We may have met in the past at a BNI; chamber or some networking event (or here online) and I wanted to touch base and get reacquainted to see how we can help each other’s businesses. My name it Terry (Ter) Scott.
I try to remember to start each day asking myself who can I help and end my day asking who have I helped. Today will that person be you and your business? This letter may be a bit long but I assure you that if you are the one I am meant to speak with today, that it will be worth your time to read and worth thousands of dollars. (Not kidding).

I’ve always thought of myself and my business as being “Value Added” and I want to add value to you, where you are today. At this time when businesses are struggling to open, reopen, and stay open I am concentrating all my efforts to do more and be more to business owners in the Twin Ports. I truly want to know what your needs and questions are so I can offer solutions; based on my years of experience in working with small business since 1981 when I moved here.

So for the next 90 days, until September 30th, 2020 I am offering a ton of free things, and reduced pricing on coaching and tools which will positively help you and your business; all tailored around you, your business and your concerns.

With my company Ask LLC, I offer Individual and Business Coaching, Expense Reduction Service and Branding and Marketing products to promote your message.

Business Coaching: Regularly $1000 monthly and now only $500 monthly; 4 @ 30 minute sessions via phone or Skype calls. I only have so much time dedicated for coaching so when my roster is full, this offer goes away. It is good for three months only. If this interests you, inquire and I’ll email you with details before our first session.

Expense Reductions: I’ll show you how to cut costs without sacrificing quality or service.
As a senior advisor with Stryde Solutions, I am offering a free expense audit where you’ll find out how I and my team can save you thousands on your business expenses. We have helped thousands of companies reduce expenses and obtain large federal tax incentives that would otherwise go uncaptured.  Our services are not limited to any single industry focus.
Over 90% of all businesses can benefit from one or more of our services.
Learn How Your Company Can Save Money On:
             Credit Card Processing
             Employer Payroll Tax Incentives
             Parcel Shipping
             Property Owner Tax Incentives
             Property Taxes
             Waste & Recycling

Because of the COVID-19 situation, I am also offering two free online (secured) calculators where you can enter your own information (on your own time) to find programs and money (other than the PPP and stimulus programs) that you don’t have to pay back; and how you can save up to $5000 and more on each of your employees. Here are those links.
Earn up to $9600 per employee (current and new hires): https://gmg.me/251784

Save time, money and headaches with Halo Branded Solutions: I’ve been in the imprinted promotional products industry for years (since 1981 when I moved to the Twin Ports) so if I’m not an expert on everything imprinted by now, I should be any day. All kidding aside, I have helped hundreds of businesses get their message out and I’m glad to be partnered with Halo, the third largest of its kind with 40,000 satisfied customers. Check out our essentials catalog here.

Also, Halo is the company offering the free report Back-to-Work Playbook.

Become a Member of NFIB
And by the way, I am the local membership rep for NFIB; the National Federation of Independent Business organization; which is dedicated to being the voice of small business at all 50 state capitals and in Washington D.C. You can thank them for the 20 tax deduction you got a couple of years ago. Without small businesses joining together and NFIB working tirelessly, small business would have lost out; big time. They were also instrumental in making sure the small business was at the forefront of the PPP and other programs during this COVID shutdown. They’ve also offered informative webinars presented by their legal team to members and nonmembers which have answered many questions and concerns. If you would like to be made aware of when these webinars are, just ask me and I’ll email you.

NFIB has been helping small business behind the scene for over 75 years and you’ve reaped the benefit of their work. So I very unapologetically state that if you are not yet a member of NFIB, you should be. I am authorized to grant you a very affordable membership rate. Read this and then contact me.

Beyond this, if there is any other way I can possibly help you, please ask. I’ve been helping business owners for a very long time and I’ve seen a lot. I still don’t know everything, but I welcome your questions and I will help in any way that I can. I truly want to know what your needs and questions are so I can offer solutions; based on my years of experience in working with small business since 1981 when I moved here. Sharing your concerns is optional; but so is success.

I hope you’ll take advantage of one or all my offers; whichever you feel would be valuable right now.
I look forward to hearing from you. Also, if you know of a business owner who could benefit from my services, feel free to forward this message. And please don’t forget to let me know specifically how I may serve you.

Make it a great day!

Ter Scott!

PS. Please don’t wait to take advantage of one or all of these:

Business Coaching; at reduced rates for a limited time.
Expense Reductions; so you have more cash flow to work with.
Smart Branding and Marketing with Halo; 40,000 customers strong with everything you need to make your name famous. (And request your free Back-to-Work Playbook report).
Become a member of NFIB; join other sales people, business owners, and work from home entrepreneurs to keep your own business strong.

Teespring Apparel

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