4 Things Business Owners Can do if Forced to Shutdown...

I have a special message to business owners who, sadly, have to shut down their business. Having been a business owner of several businesses over the years and working with business owners as a consultant and also over the past 2 years as a membership rep with NFIB I knew of the instability of many businesses. Like employees seem to live from pay check to pay check, business owners live from one event or holiday season to another. Now with the shutdown of so many businesses and with the cancelling of most all of the events which brought money to the community and the business, many businesses are at the brink of closing. If you are a business owner and you haven’t been affected “directly” you have still been affected “indirectly” and the cost of your raw goods to build your product or service your customer is rising due to these issues. No business owner is totally immune.

OK, that’s the picture, as bleak as it is. But there is certainly hope for small business in general and we just can’t sit back idle and expect things to change for the better, we need to take the necessary action.

What is this action? Well, I will share a few ideas which I and my team can help you with.

First, let’s get you “OK” so you can move forward confidently through chaos. Then we’ll talk about what you can do about your business and how if you must close you doors, how you can exit gracefully and with money in your pocket.

Request a no-fee 15 Minute Mindset Session 

If you are reading this, you can have at your request, 15 minutes of my time; not to commiserate but to communicate. This will not be a sales pitch for my products or additional coaching/consulting. I sincerely want to hear your concerns and offer a few ideas in how you can move forward. Obviously, I only have 24 hours a day so my time is extremely limited. But if you are serious, I want to do this for you. 

You can request more information by using the contact form on this page.

Use our Online Funds Finding Calculator; free. We'll deduct our fee only after we find you money. 

What I will share with you next could very possibly “save” your business with additional cash flow, now; not weeks or months from now. And it only takes a few minutes of your time. My company offers an online calculator; a secured site that you can go to right now and enter a few facts and figures and our proprietary software searches thousands of local, regional, state and federal programs which puts money in your hands and much of it doesn’t need to be paid back. Find out what you and your business qualify for and pick and choose what you want to take advantage of. There is no way that you or your accountant or financial advisor (unless they are part of our team) could do this for you. If you decide to move forward, we’ll deduct a fee for our services. That’s it.

I’m so surprised by those who don’t take 2 minutes to check this out. We’ve captured over $500 million for our clients. You could even get up to $5000 - $9600 per new hire; if you stay in business and are hiring. Oh, and if you are exiting the business, we have programs to assist you in gaining funds to when doing so, so you won’t have to break open your retirement nest egg.

Protect your Assets; Don't go Broke in a Nursing Home

Depending on your age, you may be considering retiring all together. Now is the time to lock down everything that you have so you don’t lose it all in a nursing home. This is totally legal but the time to start is now; the clock is ticking on this. 

Contact me using the contact form on this page. 

Become a Membership Rep for NFIB

I’ve mentioned that I am a membership rep for NFIB; perhaps that’s how we know each other. I will now share something that might work for you.
If you are closing down your business and will be looking for a job, look no further (unless you live in my area). Consider doing what I do as a membership rep. You already have business knowledge, you know the concerns you have as a business owner, and you no doubt could easily relate to every business owner out there.

So, why not?

As a rep, the money is there; I doubled my income in my first year when I started with NFIB. The training is second to none; I know. I’ve been trained in many industries and nothing compares to NFIB’s culture and training. NFIB is so dedicated to the success of its members that the membership reps and everyone involved treat them and their membership dues with respect, honor and the integrity they deserve.

Not everyone makes it as a membership rep; it’s hard work. But as a business owner, you are no stranger to a good work ethic. Many of our reps are past business owners.

If you are the slight bit interested in becoming a rep, please contact me. Certainly you could go straight to NFIB.com and click on careers but before you do, let me tell you why you should go through me.

This is not “multi-level” or anything like that, and yes there is a small “bounty” when a membership rep brings someone on; just like most companies do with employees who refer someone and they get hired, so I will get that. But the real reason is that I can train you!

NFIB is a large organization and in all areas of all fifty states so there is a chance that I’ll bring you on and you won’t get me as a trainer. We’re all good; so that would be fine anyway.

But if I train you, I will share my tips and tricks to become successful as soon as possible; “immediately” during your first week is typical. I live in Superior, Wisconsin but I’m training someone in Knoxville Tennessee this week. I’ve been to Iowa and Utah recently to train one on one.

I mentioned how I doubled my income the first year I was with NFIB and that’s because I brought with me skills and strategies which guaranteed a fast start; even in less populated areas where I reside.

So, if you are interested in learning more about NFIB and a position in your area as a membership rep, contact me. I’ll fill you in on everything and when I send you to HR you’ll have a “leg up” on things with a greater chance of winning the position and winning when you are out in the field helping your local business people.

Contact me using the contact form on this page. 

Thanks for taking time from your day to consider these ways in which I can help you. My heart goes out to you and I want you to know that it is true, when one door closes another opens.

I’ve shared how ...

You can request a phone or Skype session of 15 minutes with me to discuss things and how you can move forward.

I talked about my company secured tax and money calculator where you can search thousands of data bases to find money that you can use, right now, in just a few minutes.

I’ve shared how you can protect your assets so you “don’t go broke in a nursing home”.

And if you will be looking for a job, I can’t help you. But if you are looking for a “career” I can. If your area is open or you can move to where an area is open, you can call on business owners and tell the the NFIB story and sign them up as members. Being a membership rep for such an awesome organization is probably the most satisfying thing I’ve done in my entire working life.

Contact me with questions so you can take advantage of one or all. 

I can’t help everyone but I can help you. You know who you are. Many will not get this far with me and my message. Many who have, won’t take action. Few will. If you are part of the “few”, I want to work with you.
Take action today and I’ll get back to you as soon as I can.

Make it a great day!

Ter Scott! 
Business Resource Consultant 
and NFIB Rep (3A687)

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