Our team works with businesses and corporations all over the US. Stryde Savings is the largest cost reduction company in the U.S. These are just some of our clients:
With that being the case, still some people at those "big companies" think they have everything figured out and they are either immune to these drastic changes which will affect their bottom line (like 40% this year and beyond, if they don't act before April 15th) or they think their CPA or accounting firm has them taken care of. I'm really just a Paul Revere running through the country side warning people about this and they will be saddened when they find out later theyv'e missed out on a very large chunk of money! It's easy to do our 15 minute business check up so you know for sure; and we can even do it together online via screen share, and we do this for no fee (unless we find you money and then we share in a very small percentage). Our team works with all sizes of businesses but if you own a large corporation with many buildings and locations, there is a very easy way to know if indeed you have this covered. Let me ask, "Did your accounting firm give you a check for $250,000 last year? I think you'd remember that".
So please, don't keep your head in the sand. If you have a small, medium, large or even a huge corporation, we have ways to partner with you so you won't lose these monies. If you think your financial advisors are taking care of this; you'll know without a doubt if they are or not with just 15 minutes using our proprietary software which will scan the entire federal data base (and more) to give you live up to the minute data about what is available to you and your business.
If you want more information or to complete a quick 15 minute Business Expense Check Up; free, contact me.
This is my reply to a corporate person who I hope will "see the light" but I share this with my readers for their benefit. Our team is actually slammed with new clients who do and are glad they've contacted us. (The business name has been ommitted. I can tell you that it is a company with many individual gas stations).
Thanks so much for your reply. I certainly appreciate your time and ask for just a few more moments of your time as an estimated 87% of all businesses and corporations will lose out on tax monies this year and few (even the very large) accounting firms do not know the ins and outs or are equipped to handle this.
My initial email was to guage your interest but with your response, I now want to be sure that you are aware that Stryde/GMG is the largest company in the US offering these “accelerated” cost seg service plus other business tax incentives and business expense reduction services and that we work side by side with your tax professionals because we have access to these unique programs from the federal level on down to the local level instead of going upward to the federal level from the city, and state where many things can be missed. This is all we do; find and save businesses money.
Since 2004, we’ve saved companies over $4 Billion, including Caterpillar, Westinghouse, Lazy Boy and Toyota; and we work with companies like (BUSINESS NAME) too.

A typical example is when we work with companies owning buildings costing $3 million each. I’m thinking that your convenience stores cost about at least half a million dollars each; maybe more. For my example here we’ll just consider grouping 6 of your buildings.
Let’s say you have a building costing $3 Million. Most accountants will have you take a straight line deduction at 35% each year for 40 years (this is now 21% after 2017 and yes, your accountants should know that). Since most business owners don’t have a crystal ball and can predict what will happen to their businesses in 40 years, they choose to use our accelerated refund program and get 30% of that now; today (that’s something most accounting firms do not have the ability to do; or to the extent which we are able).
In the example of a $3 Million dollar building, the refund would be about $250,000 cash right now when using our accelerated refund program. This will be drastically decreased after filing 2017 taxes; on a $3 million dollar building after this year, will be only about $140,000. Businesses will lose 40% whether they take advantage of our accelerated service or use the straight line 40 year deduction. This is the last year you will be able to do this “catch-up”.
There’s an easy way to find out if your accountant/CPA firm is doing this for you. Did you get a check back last year for $50,000 to $100,000 or more per each of your convenience store locations?
I can’t be sure of the numbers for your locations (I might be high and I might be low) as to just how much you will lose but it costs you nothing to find out. We work on a contingency basis and if we don’t find you any money, you don’t pay.
Why not ask your experts to do a screen share and discuss this with our experts at our national office in Fenton MI?
We can do a quick analysis on just one location in 15 minutes or less. If we can’t help, then no harm no foul. But if we can, you’ll be a hero.
Again, thanks for your time to read this. If I don’t hear back from you, I will understand that you don’t want to move forward on this and wish you and (BUSINESS NAME) continued success.
However, if you do, I can assure you that you’ll meet the finest group of people you’ve ever worked with (much like some of your great employees at your locations that I’ve met in my travels).
Terry (Ter) Scott