NFIB Members do Business with NFIB Members. Get listed here.

I'm very excited to have been involved with NFIB (National Federation of Independent Business) for over two years now. I'm not only a membership rep, but I am a mentor, trainer and even a recruiter now so if you know of anyone who you think is professional enough to be a "talesperson" and not a "salesperson" to share the NFIB story to business owners in their area, let me know using the contact form. 

What I'm sharing today is my way of giving even more value to NFIB members in both Wisconsin and Minnesota (my geographical area) but many of these things are available to NFIB members all around the USA. You simply need to be an NFIB member in good standing. Please note, this is something I'm doing and not affiliated with our Nashville office. If you'd like more information about the program, please use the contact form. 

This is how it works. 

As an NFIB member, use the contact form on this page and request information. 

You'll receive an informational form to complete. Return with a jpeg of your business card, and a little about your business. And, what "exclusive"* offer you have for NFIB members. 

Your offer of a product or service from your company doesn't have to be "exclusive" but if it is only for NFIB members, go ahead and state this. You may want to host an NFIB day at your business where NFIB members get a discount for something by coming in on that day. 

(Currently, everything is on the honor system; if someone states they are an NFIB member just go ahead and honor it. Later we'll have cards created). 

Next, follow When you see that we've posted your business card, immediately comment on the post with a link to your business Facebook page and your website. Also, let people know about your "exclusive" pricing for a product or service to fellow NFIB members only. 

That's it. I'll also promote your post and business. 

Make it a great day! Terry (Ter) Scott! NFIB Membership Rep #3A687

Not a member or need to renew? CLICK HERE to read my article or simply call my cell number shown in the picture above and leave a message with the best time to return your call. 

Get your free discount RX card for you and your employees here. It's free. 

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