Join other Local Businesses to Keep Your Business Open!

 If you've been in business for any length of time, you have no doubt heard of NFIB; the Voice of Small Business. The organization is the advocate for small and independent businesses in all fifty state capitals and in Washington D.C. NFIB is nonpartisan and simply present to the small business owner issues which are being discussed by legislators which concern and could severely hurt their businesses; along with those which could greatly help their businesses when passed. 

If you've been a member in the pass or this is the first time you've heard about us, please consider joining. NFIB needs you and you need NFIB; especially during this election year. 

I went to work in the studio and put together this 30 minute video. It discusses current topics which would affect your business (especially those in my state of Wisconsin but much applies to businesses in all fifty states). If you can't watch it now, I would encourage you to let it play in the background. Also, share this by using the share buttons below. 

READ ABOUT THE BENEFITS of being a member below... 

As a member you'll not only get the issues before they become law so you can actually have a part in the outcome, but you'll get so much more. 

In the video I mentioned access to the NFIB legal team for questions; that there is worth the cost of a membership when you use it. 

Right now our webinars are at no cost to non members as our way of helping small business owners during these hard times. As a member you'll always have access to them. You'll learn how to save money and make money and how to navigate through the process when the government offers programs. This is a luxury non members unfortunately don't have. 

I also mentioned the Federal Workplace Poster you'll receive free every year at no charge. It's always up to date. 

There's also savings by some pretty big vendors but that's "frosting on the cake" and not the reason to join. 

In my opinion, the reason to join is to save your business. (My opinion). I know how hard NFIB works to keep your business viable and profitable. 

Join today. Below is a fee schedule and you tell me what you can afford. Call me and I'll register you and you'll get a receipt via your email immediately! (You could also go to and register however I would like to be sure your area is credited by your membership and of course I offer my own special brand of membership support; so call me!)


Are you taking advantage of COVID funds which do not need to be repaid? If not, why not. Answer a few questions on our secured site and find out what is available in just minutes. (You can even do a "Fake account" to see if we're legit or not). We've been helping businesses like yours for over ten years prior to the COVID so you can be assured we're the real deal and can help you. Visit now:

One Organization fights for Small Business through COVID shut downs and Reopenings.

 NFIB members are speaking directly to the nation’s leaders. During NFIB’s 2020 Virtual Fly-In in August, small business owners explained how they’re dealing with the COVID-19 pandemic – and what they need from Congress to come through this crisis.

Thank you for reading this. My name is Terry Scott. I'm NFIB Membership Rep in Wisconsin and I assist small businesses; mostly in Wisconsin where I live but I can help any business anywhere with membership and questions. 

No one needs to be told of the devastation most business owners have had to endure this year. I understand that some businesses have been able to prosper financially while others have had to close. The hard fact is that "we all hold hands" and even though our business may currently be doing "alright", when other businesses hurt it is just a matter of time before things come to our business door. 

If you are "hurting" or not, please watch this 90 second video and share it with other small business owners you know. Then be sure to renew your membership or become a member. Especially with this being an election year small business owners need the strength of teaming with one another and the support of NFIB in all fifty state capitals and in Washington D.C. 

This is so important. The time to act is now. Please watch what 3 of our fellow businesses owners from across our great county say and I hope you'll call me to register your business today. (You'll get a receipt immediately in your email along with instructions on how to take advantage of your NFIB benefits). 

Are you taking advantage of COVID funds which do not need to be repaid? If not, why not. Answer a few questions on our secured site and find out what is available in just minutes. (You can even do a "Fake account" to see if we're legit or not). We've been helping businesses like yours for over ten years prior to the COVID so you can be assured we're the real deal and can help you. Visit now:

I will be meeting with my team in Michigan today about the 6 tax incentives every business owner needs to know...

 I will be meeting with my team in Michigan today about the 6 tax incentives every business owner needs to know about. I will then do a Facebook live later this week sharing them with you.

Business owner, to be notified when the Facebook Live session will be, request info using the Contact from on this page. If you would like to get started now, visit:

Also, if you are a business to business professional and would like to join us to help your clients prosper during these times, PM me for information. Visit here now and watch a brief video pertaining exclusively to your consultancy type:

You may have seen similar "ads" by Mr. Wonderful from the Shark Tank. That should tell you something about the credibility and need for this service. Their business model is to promise you $100 if they don't find money and guarantee $10,000... but you "have to qualify".

That's find. I love Shark Tank and Mr. Wonderful. Our business model is different.

We serve every size of business so you don't have to "qualify" and we don't have to pay you $100 if we don't find you monies or guarantee you "$10,000. We are transparent and will do a no fee expense/tax audit for your business and if we don't find monies for you, you don't pay. It takes 5 minutes of your time to find out. PM me now.

A Smart Reopening The Tools and Mindset for Owners to Reopen and Rebuild

Visit for more. 

Halo is your choice in a Smart Reopening Partner

Terry Scott

, Marketing & Branding Specialist

Terry (Ter) Scott has been a veteran of the promotional products industry since 1981, but don’t let his young age fool you. Terry is passionate about keeping up with the latest marketing and branding tools and trends. He loves music, playing guitar and performing. He’s young at heart!

Equipped with vast experience and knowledge of his industry, Ter makes a competent and creative partner. When he collaborates with his client’s on their projects, he strives to save them time, money and hassle. The fact that each day is unique and offers new challenges is Ter’s favorite part of his job. It keeps him passionate about what he does and he finds the opportunity to work with businesses and organizations of all sizes incredibly rewarding.

Intelligence, Integrity and Innovation are what keep him and his client’s successful and always ahead of the competition. He works to help his customers find out what they want, what the best way to get it is and then he turns that plan into reality. He believes that the most important element to successful branding campaigns is to know who you are as a company and exemplify it in everything you say and do.


The Next 45 Days are Critical ... YOU CAN SAVE MAIN STREET!


The Next 45 Days are Critical

Why? Timing, circumstances, and need! 

Business owners need you now more than ever. We are gaining momentum, and we want you to be a part of it. 

Business Brokers, Business Consultants, Commercial Realtors, Life Insurance and Financial Planners, P&C Agents and Tax Professionals… 


Hello. My name is Terry (Ter) Scott. I and my team have never been so busy, so productive and so serious. This is a time to help and you'll get paid handsomely when you do. Here's how... 

Click on the appropriate link below and watch a very short video detailing how professionals around the country, just like you are literally “raking in the dollars”… as they offer a badly and most welcomed service to business owners struggling to keep their doors open.

My number is at the bottom of the page after the video. Please do not call me without watching the video first because I’ll ask you if you did. Frankly, we are so busy helping business owners find monies they don’t need to repay, recapture tax dollars and so much more.

Time is running out for your local businesses and also for you to help them. If you already have a base of clients that’s great, show them this and they will not only thank you, they will refer others who in turn will thank you. Nothing like this has been available before and the time is now.

Click on your industry link below, watch the video and get started. You will be very glad that you did.

Ter Scott, Stryde Senior Advisor

  General Inquires

  Business Brokers

  Business Consultants  

  Commercial Realtors    

  Life Insurance & Financial Planners   

  P&C Agents 

  Tax Professionals    

Wisconsin business consultant finds funding programs for cash crunched small business owners.


Terry (Ter) Scott                                                                                               FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE 9/10/2020



Wisconsin business consultant finds funding programs for cash crunched small business owners.

And does so on a contingency basis during COVID shut down.


Superior, WI: Ask LLC, an “all solutions known” consultancy firm announced today that it will continue to offer its search service of funding programs, which finds hundreds of federal, state and local funding programs for small business owners; without charging any upfront service fees.


Ter Scott, business consultant and owner of Ask LLC says, “These federal programs are just what business owners who are suffering from cash flow difficulties need right now. These programs get necessary monies in their hands in days and not weeks or months. The best thing about the programs is that unlike the PPP and traditional business loans, these funds do not need to be repaid”.


Scott has partnered and is also a senior advisor with Stryde Solutions located in Fenton Michigan; a firm which has helped hundreds of businesses over the years, capturing over $4 Billion in savings for its clients.


“Because of the precautions in doing business during the COVID”, stated Scott, “our system is perfect. It is a simple process where the business owner takes a few minutes to enter a few facts and figures into a secured online calculator and immediately sees an estimate of what monies are available. If the owner wants to move forward, they simply press ‘activate’ which notifies us. We work with them and take our small fee from what we find for the business owner”.


Scott said that Stryde Solutions has been very busy during these past few months helping business owners who might otherwise have to permanently close their doors.  The situation is becoming more urgent for small businesses with the PPP having to be repaid, taxes are due and bills are continuing to escalate. Interested business owners should contact him immediately and he asks that they please be patient as they are helping a lot of businesses right now.


If you have questions and would like to speak to Ter Scott at Ask LLC, call him at the number shown on the website: .


ABOUT TER SCOTT and Ask LLC. Ter Scott is a business consultant, and life coach. His company offers strategic personal and business coaching and consulting, branding solutions (powered by Halo, and is a membership rep and advocate for small business with a national, pro small business organization. Ask LLC works with companies large and small, located everywhere in the USA.


3 Important Services every Business Should Use

 My name is Ter Scott and these are 

the three main things which I do for business owners. 


I help you to stop the "money leaks" in your business. Just like losing heat in a drafty home, businesses lose a lot of money through these leaks. Most businesses are losing money in these areas: 

Credit Card Processing, Employer Payroll Tax Incentives, Parcel Shipping, Property Owner Tax Incentives, Property Taxes, Waste & Recycling and Work Comp Insurance. 


We have helped thousands of companies reduce expenses and obtain large federal tax incentives that would otherwise go un-captured.  Our services are not limited to any single industry focus. Over 90% of all businesses can benefit from one or more of our services.

We will do an expense audit for your company at no up front fees. If we don't find areas where you have these money leaks, you'll have the peace of mind knowing that all is well. If we do find areas which need to be patched, we'll do so with your permission and take a fee for our services. We work on a contingency basis and if we don't find you money, you don't pay. Either way you win. 

Contact me today or get the process started here. 

Start the process here. 


Ask LLC is partnered with Halo Branded Solutions. 

HALO employs 300 corporate service team members with decades of knowledge and experience who support the over 500 creative and resourceful Account Executives across the nation who focus on implementing effective marketing solutions for over 40,000 satisfied clients each year.

HALO is a global leader of promotional solutions, combining creativity, innovation and the most sophisticated technology for dynamic results. As a "full-service" promotional products distributor, we offer:

Company stores and fulfillment services

Industry-leading customer service from over 500 Account Executives throughout the United States and a support staff of over 300

Competitive pricing, including our popular Best Sellers and BrandED merchandise programs

Secure Source, HALO's comprehensive product safety and social compliance program

Award winning marketing support for your internal and external branding campaigns

Recognition, rewards, and incentive programs built to inspire and engage your workforce.

CLICK HERE to search Halo's vast warehouse of imprinted options. 


I am a membership rep for NFIB. I work with business owners located anywhere in the USA. 


NFIB is the voice of small business, advocating on behalf of America’s small and independent business owners, both in Washington, D.C., and in all 50 state capitals. NFIB is nonprofit, nonpartisan, and member-driven. Since our founding in 1943, NFIB has been exclusively dedicated to small and independent businesses, and remains so today.


When a big issue affects small and independent businesses, NFIB is there. We have been for over 75 years, and we will continue to be. We represent our members’ interests—our one member, one vote balloting process guides our work.

NFIB has an ear to the ground on what’s happening in Washington, D.C., and the state capitals. That puts NFIB at the forefront of advocating on today’s most pressing small business issues, such as taxes, healthcare, and regulations.


When NFIB speaks, legislators listen. They know that we bring them the voice of small business. 

That voice, hundreds of thousands strong, comes directly from NFIB’s members and our research—combined, they make a powerful and influential case for our advocacy.

Because of NFIB’s credibility, we are asked to bring the small business perspective to Congress, state capitals, the courts, and the media. 

You can certainly register at but I want to be sure that your area gets the credit and that you get all of your benefits and bonuses. Call me to choose an affordable membership fee for your type and size of business. You'll get a receipt immediately in your email box while we're on the phone. 

Those are the THREE big things which I offer for business owners; of businesses employing 1 to 1000. 
I look forward to helping you and your business strive in this economy! 

Make it a great day! 

Ter Scott! 

PS. I also offer business consulting, and other services which I will reveal as we work together but the above three are the main things which I do (and do well) for my clients. Don't wait, most businesses are "hurting" as you read this. Let's work together to stop it.  

OK, if you've read this far you are part of the top 5% however if you are not now earning what the top 5% are earning, it is because you are doing the fourth thing/service which I offer. If you are interested, use the contact form on this page and ask "What the heck are you talking about Ter?"

(HINT: The above paragraph is in "green" for a reason). 

Learn the Origin of Labor Day and get Recognition Planner F R EE

Download your 


Conquer COVID with Vinyl Messaged Products which can be wiped clean...

Check out our online FLIP CATALOG below and 
contact us by leaving a message at

We are usually out seeing and helping our clients or on the phone
but we promise to get right back to you 
(always within 24 hours). 
Established clients get our personal cell phone number. 

Click on Image to open catalog: 


How to RECOVER Building Property Monies and other Hidden Money in your Business


Includes COVID-19

Back to Work Safety Strategies

and Resource Links

I want you to have this. It is absolutely free 
and does not require your email, name or anything. 
Simply CLICK HERE to go to my Google page and download it. 

If I may be of further assistance in your business success, 
please use the contact form on this page. 

Ter Scott, Business Advisor and Resource Consultant


How to Return to Work, School and "Play" after COVID shut down

 I want you to have this. 

Back-to-Work Playbook

More than two-thirds (67%) of organizations plan to resume, or have already resumed, “normal” operations by end of summer. This is a key takeaway from The Back to Work Playbook survey conducted by WorldatWork and HALO Recognition.

Other key findings include:

  • The primary focus for return to work planning is on practices to ensure the safety and health of employees, with nearly one third planning to implement employee re-engagement initiatives.
  • Nearly two-thirds (63%) of organizations will provide employees with PPE; 28% are not sure and 9% will not.
  • Remote working arrangements and flexible work schedules are here to stay, particularly for employees with children: half (50%) of organizations are permanently allowing some employees to work remotely and for employees with children, 81% of organizations are allowing them to continue working remotely and 73% are offering flexible work schedules.
Simply use the contact form on this page and request yours today. 

Here are other aids which will assist you with a smart opening. (Please pass this on to others you know in the specific fields mentioned below). 

Click image to open, to order  click here or visit


Search our entire data base of items for your imprinted message at 

We “value” new BUSINESS CLIENTS with a bunch of free stuff!


We appreciate you a bunch! 


I (and my team) appreciate you! 

(Really, without you and your business, 

business would be rather dull. Wouldn’t you agree?)

As a business owner myself, I assist business owners with branded promotional products (AskHalo4Imprints), expense reduction services (no fee service through Stryde). And as the membership rep for NFIB for the northern half of Wisconsin I know a bit about both the challenges and rewards in doing business in our great state.

To express my appreciation I offer the following to you:

FREE SHIPPING on your first order from (Thousands of imprinted branded and messaged items for your company). 

FREE EXPENSE AUDIT: Credit Card Processing, Employer Payroll, Tax Incentives, Parcel Shipping, Property Owner Tax Incentives, Property Taxes, Waste & Recycling, Work Comp Insurance, and more. This is very thorough on our end and takes about 15 minutes to get your information doing a screen share. This is exclusive and not available elsewhere. 

We have helped thousands of companies reduce expenses and obtain large federal tax incentives that would otherwise go un-captured.  Our services are not limited to any single industry focus. Over 90% of all businesses can benefit from one or more of our services. Use the contact form on this page or call the Multiple Companies Message Center. Or, you can get started by visiting here.  

Affordable Membership at NFIB (National Federation of Independent Business): I cover pretty much the entire north half of Wisconsin so I have a pretty good pulse on the health of business. If you are already fighting the good fight for your neighboring Wisconsin businesses (of all industry types), I congratulate you and thank you for your support! If not, I invite you to become a member. Be informed about harmful legislation and join other business owners in having a real voice in Madison and in Washington DC. Membership is very affordable.  You can go directly to but for our area to get credit, please allow me to register you. Visit here to learn more or call me. 

(By the way, if you are reading this and your business is located anywhere in the USA, I can still register your business. Contact me for details).

No Fee 30 Minute Business Coaching Session: Every month I give back to the business community by donating 5 hours of my consulting time to new business owners. If you or someone you know has been in business for less than 3 years, let them know that they may apply for this. There is no cost or obligation to move forward with additional consulting.

Free RX Savings Card for business owner, staff and employees. Visit here todownload your free (HIPPA compliant) card and save up to 90% on all prescriptions. (If you would like a multi card sheet that you can print off on your office computer, let me know).

Thanks for visiting and reading this. I look forward to assisting you in your future success in any way that I can. As a resource consultant I also have access to many products, services and research sytems. If you have questions and can't find something, please feel free to use me as a resource. 

Make it a great day! Ter 

Disposable PPE Equipment, in stock and ready to ship nationwide.

 HALO is focused on providing safe, compliant, and financially responsible solutions for our clients' needs and current challenges:

  • HALO uses recognized third party testing labs and provides on-site inline factory oversight.
  • HALO's freight and logistics team is dedicated to assuring economical and reliable delivery anywhere around the globe.
  • *Product lead times and availability are subject to change based on market conditions.
  • Please click here to contact your HALO Account Executive for today’s most up to date information.