Searching for something on eBay? Visit our eBay page and Name Your Price.


Visit our eBay page these days, find something you like and 
then enter your request in the contact form on this page. 

I will tell you whether or not we can accept your price and 
when I can I will tell you that I am changing the price to your price 
on a certain day and time so you can get in and get it. 
The item(s) will stay at this price for a day so get there before someone else does. 
If you or someone does not purchase the item, the price may go back up. 

Here are the NAME YOUR PRICE DAYS for 2022 (Always on a Thursday)

On the days below, CLICK HERE to visit my eBay page. 

(Except every day on all days from February 1 through the 20th for my Birthday Bash special). 

3/3, 3/24, 4/15, 5/12, 5/26, 6/16, 6/30, 7/7, 7/28,

8/11, 8/25, 9/15,10/6, 10/20, 11/3, 11/10, 11/24n 12/8.

Ter Scott's 2022 Birthday Bash Specials starts compiling now and ends on his Birthday, February 20th.

 Hello, Ter Scott, "Birthday Boy" here to ask you to celebrate life, and here's a reason to do so with me; 'cuz I'm starting today by adding some cool things right here almost every day,  that will help you in your life or business so visit this same page every day from here out until February 20th. 

We understand supply chain issues and shortages, but know this…

2/3/22 If the BIC® Clic Stic® Pen normally sells for $0.80 each, send us only 59 cents each and we’ll send you all the pens you want! (Please 300 minimum). Visit or

2/2/22 The specials just keep on coming! Bankers Advertising just released our Guide filled with all kinds of things you can print your name and message on and give away to prospects and clients; at crazy low pricing. But because you are here, until February 20th, I am putting my 2 cents worth in. So with these dirt-cheap prices already, I will give you 2 cents off! Don't delay, look at the catalog today. 

2/1/22 Visit my eBay page, NAME YOUR PRICE on any item, any and every day from now through February 20th. 

1/31/22 PROMO MAGNETS of all kinds! Use your Free Shipping + 10% off (from 1/29 below) and use the "Next Column Pricing" on anything from the online catalog pages: MAGNETIC NAME BADGES; 6/7, MAGNETIC SOLUTIONS; 18/19 AND MAGNETIC CLIPS 22/23. If your company uses NAME BADGES, take advantage of these huge savings! 

1/30/22 Announcing my new Therapeutic Coloring Circles, Circles to Calm coloring book. Get your FREE COLORING SHEET here with details on how your colors could be on the cover of the published version! 

1/29/22 Free Shipping on any order from or Visit the sites, and call me when you find something or have a question. BIRTHDAY BASH MONTH ONLY: I typically give the Free Shipping offer only to new customers. Now until Feb. 20, I'll extend this to current customers; plus... 10% of any pricing ... INCLUDING SPECIALS. 

1/29/22 Click on the image to get your free coloring sheet. 
1/29/22 Click on the photo to visit the store to purchase apparel. Enter code BDBoy (exactly as it appears) to get 10% off! 

Business Consultant shares how you too can attract money automatically and continuously outside that from your income, customers and clients.

Follow us on Facebook for updates and opportunities to save, earn and find hidden money in your business and government programs; even before your CPA knows about them. (Because we inform the CPAs. Are you a tax professional? CLICK HERE). 

Click on the image to visit our Facebook page; 
(our cash flow strategies are more than just savings on taxes). 

Terry Scott America’s #1 Business Resource Consultant

Hello. You are here because you want cash; 

cash for you or your business. 

credit for your business. 

cash to do real estate deals. 

improve individual credit or business credit. 

find hidden cash and stop money leaks in your business.

My name is Terry Scott and I and my team will help you with that. Call or use the contact form on this page to schedule a no-fee, no-obligation consultation to find ways we can help. 

C = Cash Flow Strategies Stop Money Leaks before they 

start and attract money automatically and continuously outside 

that from your income customers and clients.

Guess what? You may not need a loan. We've found monies for over 90% of business owners that are owed them that they don't need to repay. This money and programs continue to expire without business owners claiming them. There is no cost to see what you are owed. Visit our online, secured search here.

Please return to this page from time to time as we continually add and update products and services to our clients. You'll also see updates on our Facebook page

To your success, 

Terry Scott

Are you a Tax Professional? CLICK HERE. 

A = Advocacy Have an advocate and be an advocate

B = Branding Have Millions of “Silent Ambassadors” 

selling for you 24/7

C = Cash Flow Strategies Stop Money Leaks before they 

start and attract money automatically and continuously outside 

that from your income customers and clients.

How can this happen for you and your business?

Ask. All Solutions  

B = Branding Have Millions of “Silent Ambassadors” selling for you 24/7.

 Follow our Facebook page to see the latest marketing tips, highlights, specials, and discounts! 

B = Branding Have Millions of “Silent Ambassadors” selling for you 24/7. 

How would you like to have millions of silent ambassadors selling for you while you are working, sleeping, vacationing; basically 24/7? And who, or what are these "ambassadors" that never sleep, eat, call in sick and keep "keeping on" to promote your message about your product or service? 

When I tell you, you may think this is too simple or unbelievable but I assure you that the biggest names of anything, understand this and they put these representatives to work for them; big time. You can too. I would just gently suggest that you change your perception of these "Advertising Specialties", "Promotional Products" and what has now come to be known as "Branding items". Don't feel bad. Most salespeople (and that's what they are) simply "sell stuff with your name on it". It is more than that; just as billboard advertising, media, and social media are a whole lot more than that. 

This isn't meant to tell you everything you need to know about an imprinted pen and most importantly how you can use it to attract and maintain the best employees, attract and maintain the best clients, make your company tens times more profit because it can and has done that for others. My short time with you here is to tell you that I know what I'm doing; after 35 years in the industry that I love more today than when I started and that I can answer just about every question you would ever have about "Anything with an Imprint", and that will save you time and money as a consultant to any marketing "solution" you may be looking for. 

Branding is not just having your message on something, but it is your message, your logo, your presence and so much more. After being involved for this long, things are almost intuitive and I can "read" your mind as to how I can get your solution with less time and less cost without hassle. 

And, I will give you free shipping on your order if you'll let me prove it to you. 

So please, visit my sites and look around. When you find something you like, call me. Or you can use the contact form on this page. 

B = Branding Have Millions of “Silent Ambassadors” 

selling for you 24/7

C = Cash Flow Strategies Stop Money Leaks before they 

start and attract money automatically and continuously outside 

that from your income customers and clients.

How can this happen for you and your business?

Ask. All Solutions  

 Follow our Facebook page to see the latest marketing tips, highlights, specials, and discounts! 

A = Advocacy - Have an advocate and be an advocate.

A = Advocacy Have an advocate and be an advocate

Hello. My name is Ter Scott, America's #1 Business Resource Consultant. 

On this page, I explain why every individual; especially a business owner, needs to have an advocate and to be an advocate for one or several causes.

I will be brief here and will return to add a bit more context and explanation. For now, I will share that I am an advocate for small businesses via being a membership rep for America's Voice of Small Business, NFIB (Federation of Independent Business). As a member, you are joining other business owners in the common cause of all or most small businesses so you are advocating for each other. 

You then should have a related "social cause" that you believe in and be an advocate for it. 

For me, along with offering small business advocacy through NFIB, I am also a Master Care Partner with Electronic Care Giver, a company that leads the way in innovation in health and safety with personal emergency response systems for the home and on the go to provide immediate response in the case of an emergency; an example is falling, in the case of those over the age of 65. 

What cause or concern do you have a passion for; much like you do about your business? Is it something that is closely related to what you do for business or something more personal? Once you have it, let your customers and clients know and piggyback your business promotions alongside the cause but be sure to remain genuine and not have the cause be only a reason to promote your business. My sites are (which presents information about the equipment) and which presents informational videos to educate caregivers and those using the systems. 

With All Solutions Known, I'm am your business advocate through NFIB and my secondary advocacy is being an MCP with ECG. If you are interested in details about either, feel free to ask using the contact form on this page or click on the links here which will take you directly to the page. 

B = Branding Have Millions of “Silent Ambassadors” 

selling for you 24/7

C = Cash Flow Strategies Stop Money Leaks before they 

start and attract money automatically and continuously outside 

that from your income customers and clients.

How can this happen for you and your business?

Ask. All Solutions  

Lafayette, Louisiana has words for business owners in Minnesota and Wisconsin... and across the USA.


Hello friend, good day! I wanted to share this press release with you and this video by a business owner in Louisiana. It doesn't matter what state your business is located in, all business owners bleed red. Check this out and share it. Terry Scott NFIB Rep 3A687 (Oh, by the way, if you're not a member of NFIB, let's change that. Call me today). 

For Immediate Release

NFIB Releases New “In Their Own Words” Video

Louisiana small business owner opposes new federal tax increases 

WASHINGTON, D.C. (Jan. 19, 2022) – The National Federation of Independent Business (NFIB), the nation’s leading small business advocacy organization, today released the latest video in a series featuring small business owners explaining how Washington’s proposed tax increases would hurt their ability to operate, survive, and thrive.

The video series “In Their Own Words” features small business owners from around the country and is part of NFIB’s Small Business Survival campaign, a coordinated advocacy effort that highlights why tax increases would be harmful to America’s small businesses.

The latest video in the series features Wayne Rabalais, owner of Rabalais Business Consulting in Lafayette, Louisiana. They have been in business for over 40 years and specialize in helping small businesses with different business issues including tax preparation, accounting, and SBA loans.

“I’m against anything new…leave what we have alone and work with small businesses to where they bring more money home so they can inject more money into the economy. Any type of tax increase right now will be detrimental to small businesses in all areas, especially in south Louisiana, we’ve gone through several hurricanes…businesses are hurting. It would be the same as businesses that are going through forest fires, tornadoes, floods. The small business folks that we talk about provide almost 80% of all the new jobs in this country.”

Watch the new Small Business Survival: In Their Own Words video featuring Wayne Rabalais here:

The Small Business Survival campaign is a coordinated advocacy effort that includes targeted traditional and digital advertising, media initiatives, research, grassroots, lobbying, and other efforts that will highlight why tax increases would be harmful to small businesses while holding members of Congress accountable for their support of tax hikes and mandates.

More information about the campaign can be found here: and here:

More information on how any business can recoup the money they didn't know they had, plus more tips.


For more than 75 years, NFIB has been advocating on behalf of America’s small and independent business owners, both in Washington, D.C. and in all 50 state capitals. NFIB is nonprofit, nonpartisan, and member-driven. Since our founding in 1943, NFIB has been exclusively dedicated to small and independent businesses and remains so today. For more information, please contact Terry Scott, NFIB rep (details in the image below).


Ter Scott's Mindset Monday Jan 24, 2022


Mindset Monday, watch a short Facebook video for today...


Today is Mindset Monday, yesterday was Sunrise Sunday; because it’s the beginning of the week. Hopefully, you took some time yesterday to first “give” something as that is the first thing we should do; the reason for living is giving.

I also talked about doing a reset; we can’t move forward while thinking about the mistakes of the past. And when we go through this week, let’s not “fast forward” but move forward at a pace where we can be aware of those around us and stop to smell the roses from time to time. That brought you to today.

Mindset Monday.

Necessary to have a good mindset to move forward productively. Since we get what we think about, why not think about what we want to get.

If you’ve ever attended a webinar or course about improving yourself and your environment; lifestyle, income, etc. the speaker always starts with “mindset”. And the audience always wants to start with “show me the money”.

I’m not going to share the definition of rich and poor today but I will share a few quotes from T Harv Eker’s book the Millionaire Mind. He starts with and continues with “mindset” in the book.

Above are two books I mentioned in the video. You can click each to go to Amazon to get more information. I don't get an affiliate commission when you do only because I haven't set things up yet. But either way, it's my way of making it convenient for you to get them. 

Do with them, what your mind can presently do with them… maybe ask yourself, “Where am I on this scale? Do I believe this, don’t believe that one, or hmmm, I’ll give that one some thought. Here goes…

“Wealth File

1. Rich people believe "I create my life." Poor people believe "Life happens to me."
2. Rich people play the money game to win. Poor people play the money game to not lose.
3. Rich people are committed to being rich. Poor people want to be rich.
4. Rich people think big. Poor people think small.
5. Rich people focus on opportunities. Poor people focus on obstacles.
6. Rich people admire other rich and successful people. Poor people resent rich and successful people.
7. Rich people associate with positive, successful people. Poor people associate with negative or unsuccessful people.
8. Rich people are willing to promote themselves and their value. Poor people think negatively about selling and promotion.
9. Rich people are bigger than their problems. Poor people are smaller than their problems.
10. Rich people are excellent receivers. Poor people are poor receivers.
11. Rich people choose to get paid based on results. Poor people choose to get paid based on time.
12. Rich people think "both". Poor people think "either/or".
13. Rich people focus on their net worth. Poor people focus on their working income.
14. Rich people manage their money well. Poor people mismanage their money well.
15. Rich people have their money work hard for them. Poor people work hard for their money.
16. Rich people act in spite of fear. Poor people let fear stop them.
17. Rich people constantly learn and grow. Poor people think they already know.”
T. Harv Eker, Secrets of the Millionaire Mind: Mastering the Inner Game of Wealth

Hopefully, you got something from our time together today. Feel free to leave your comments. I may not respond to the comments but if you have a sincere question, go ahead and PM me. Move forward with a great mindset and until next time, keep lookin’ up.


Small Business Owners Deserve a Reward and Ter Scott of ASK LLC offers Drastic Discounts to Select Group

 Hello, Terry the ABC Business Consultant here.

I wanted to get just a quick note to you and your business. 

This is a special note to NFIB members who own small businesses located anywhere in the USA. The NFIB benefits outlined below are available to you and in this short article, I'm encouraging you to take part in as many as you can. The "Rewards" I speak of are available to NFIB members also but come to you from my own firm, Ask LLC. 

Would you like to take advantage of these amazing benefits while helping your fellow small business owners across the country? That's simple. As an NFIB membership rep, I can register your business. Please call me using the phone number provided in the image above. Now let's get to those benefits! 

First, to see a complete rundown of NFIB benefits click on this link Remember too that if you have questions about those, contact Member Care at: 800-634-2669.

Also, be sure that you are attending NFIB’s informative webinars or watching the replays. You can get details here.

And, very important… don’t forget to vote your ballots. (Log in at:

You get a ton of benefits by being an NFIB member!

Now I will quickly share my personal “value-added” products and services as the nation’s ABC Business Consultant.

A is for Advocacy and as a member of NFIB, you’ve got that covered. You are part of America’s largest advocacy group for small businesses!

I also have a second advocacy mission which is helping home caregivers; those who are helping elderly parents or children with chronic illness. What does this mean to you, the employer? This is a big stressor so when they come to work they are not as focused or productive as they could be. A big concern is falling and another is having them remember to take their medications. As an MCP with Electronic Caregiver, I offer free consultations for your employees explaining how ECG’s products create a safer environment and alleviate stress to the caregiver. Some employers choose to subsidize all or part of the cost or leave it as an employee-paid benefit. To see more about this, please contact me or visit

B is for Branding and every business uses imprinted items to get its message out. It may be a pen, cap or decal the size of a business card all the way to the size of a semi-trailer. You no doubt have a supplier for this now but I’d like to offer you FREE SHIPPING on your first order of imprinted items. Visit and/or and be sure to ask for me (Terry Scott #642)

C is for Cash Flow. When you own a business, you don’t want to lose money through unnecessary expenses or ignoring all the programs that you back all of your overpaying of taxes. Our proprietary systems find what your CPA and accountant can’t and we’ll do it for free so I encourage you to take 60 seconds to find 60 tax incentives you are missing out on. Again, we charge "zero" for your business expense and incentives checkup. Either way, read this informative article. It will open your eyes.

Most businesses are not realizing that the PPP was one of the smallest programs available. The Employee Retention Credit qualifies business owners to upwards of $26,000 per employee. The Workers Opportunity Tax Credit (WOTC) qualifies employers for up to $2,400 for employees hired. I want you to get my free article 4 WAYS TO GROW YOUR BUSINESS DURING THE SUPPLY CHAIN SHORTAGE.

That’s it. I want you to succeed! I want you to take advantage of EVERY NFIB BENEFIT that applies to you. I think you want that too, right. I appreciate you and that’s why I offering all of these value-added products and services to you, discount on personal emergency response systems (PERS), free shipping on your first order of imprinted branding items, and a free business expense audit that only takes a few moments to complete by visiting our secured web calculator here.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call me.

Best of continued success,

Terry Scott 

Promote Your Business or Cause as a Guest of Ter Scott's ABC Business LiveStream Show

 How would you like to be interviewed by America's #1 Business Resource Consultant? 

Imagine being able to take advantage of the prelaunch promotion buzz that you can hype on your own sites prior to the event and then have your "tribe" and customers attend the live event? This can be a very big deal for you and your business this year. You don't have to be polished, good-looking, or amazingly successful. 

Hi, I'm Ter Scott and I'm looking for people from all walks of life with a message about success on their way to success and those who want to learn more about Business ABCs and to use them to serve others while becoming more successful and prosperous in their chosen destiny. 

What in the world is an ABC business and why are you reading this?

You probably saw my ads about my interviewing people who are business owners, entrepreneurs, and leaders in their industry. Or, you’d like to learn to become better in prospering by serving others. Really, that’s the only way. Recently I read a quote by Richard Branson about success. 

” Many people think that an entrepreneur is someone who operates alone, overcoming challenges and bringing his idea to market through sheer force of personality. This is completely inaccurate. Few entrepreneurs — scratch that: almost no one — ever achieved anything worthwhile without help. To be successful in business, you need to connect and collaborate and delegate".

I started to state that “I want to” and then I remembered that no, “I will do” and here is what I will do and you can be a part of it!

My plan is to do a weekly live stream, interviewing successful people and those who are becoming successful. My intent is to make this interesting and impactful to people at all stages of moving forward. We will discuss success principles but always on how they apply to what I call the Business ABCs.

Those ABCs are advocacy, branding, and cash flow. Each session will serve to define the three and remind us what each is and how we can and are using each in business and life.  

In my business, All Solutions Known LLC (ASK) I offer businesses what they can use to prosper with my advocacy in promoting NFIB, the National Federation of Independent Business; in branding, I offer business owners great pricing and service with “Anything with an Imprint” that they can place their message and offer Cash Flow strategies in creating it, and managing it to keep it flowing. So I am the “go-to guy” for the ABCs but each business must have and manage its own ABCs. They must be an advocate for something; usually related to their industry or category of business, passion, or area of interest. They must brand themselves and manage that brand. And finally, they must keep the cash flowing to keep the doors open. Notice that cash flow happens only after you first think of others, brand yourself, and protect that brand.

To be selected as a guest, don’t worry about being so successful, professional, experienced, or anything like that. You don’t have to be a great speaker or look terrific. People are looking for solutions from others who are just like them.

To apply, use the contact form on this page to tell me a bit about yourself, your business or interest, and why you think it would be of interest to others. You can be from any part of the world, but I’m thinking most people will be here in the USA; but who knows?

Be prepared to tell us what your advocacy is, a bit about your branding and how you keep the cash coming in. We only have 60 minutes and it’s very conversational so we may spend more on A and B, or B and C. You can also ask me a few things and we may even have time to offer Q and A to the audience.

So go ahead and tell me a bit about yourself, what you do, what you want more of, and what you plan to do to have more of with it all centered on the business ABCs. I will reply to everyone. If selected you’ll be placed somewhere on the list and we’ll keep in contact as to when I can get you on.

These live stream episodes will be for the general public and you will be able to promote your product or service and provide a link to your site. You’ll have advance notice before your interview so you can promote it to your customers and encourage them to be present.

I do have a private Facebook community where the members have access to materials, products, and services at discounts, and live stream episodes where I interview prominent leaders in the same way. To be a part of this group, the monthly investment is $49.00. However, it is absolutely FREE TO JOIN until we have 100 members. After we enroll 100 members the monthly fee will be $49 and all 100 founding members will be free for life. I would encourage you to visit the site now and join. If the 100 mark has been reached, you’ll be directed to a page with more information and ordering details.

Private Facebook Group, Ter Scott Promotes Personal Success