Be part of an actual viral experiment. Like, share this post and then scan this QR code with your phone and wait to see what happens! (Not just for job seekers) #jobappviral #viraljobpresence #myresumeontop
It's all very real (and real fast) and getting national attention. Job seekers in all industries and of all ages who have a smartphone are taking advantage of this new technology, states Ter Scott, a Senior Advisor with GMG/Stryde which is located in Fenton Michigan. We live and work in a faster time and people don't want to have to deal with paper anymore.

We work with both the job candidate and the prospective buyer.
On the job candidate side, our mission is to help employees get the competitive advantage they deserve, We search hundreds of tax credits to show employers why your resume is the perfect choice. On the business owner's side of things, we bring them the best candidates along with the tax incentives which can really help their bottom line and help to train new hires. Spark My Resume is part of the many tax incentive and cost reduction services that Scott and GMG/Stryde bring to any business.
To get more details on Spark My Resume and get your Free Certificate (to attach to your resume and bring to your job interview) and your Personal Online Profile (limited time), please CLICK HERE.
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