If you are here (and you didn't stumble upon this; which would be great if you own a business and want to join NFIB to promote and protect the right to own, operate and grow your business) it is because I've been trying to reach you to renew your membership.
Please read the following and contact me so I can process your renewal so your membership will not lapse. :)
Hello valued member,
I hope you are so busy and successful with your business
right now that you don’t have time to read this, but I hope you’ll read it
anyway; it’s really important and I’ll be brief. I would love to meet with you
face to face but time is of the essence.
Which of these things that NFIB did for your business
recently, help you the most or that you appreciated the most?
The fact that NFIB was
solely responsible for the 20% deduction off your taxes, right off the top- up
to $163,300 single or $326,600 if jointly owned? (That’s one reason why
many members who realize this are increasing their renewal membership fee).
Elimination of personal property tax on tools, patterns and
machinery for nonmanufacturing businesses? (Now you pay tax once when you buy
it, and not again!).
Informative webinars, resources and links
to powerful information for your small business? (We
literally had thousands of viewers and many new members resulting from these
The fact that NFIB worked
tirelessly with legislators hour by hour to be sure that your small business
was not forgotten in the PPP? (We kept small business at the forefront
so you weren’t forgotten).
Other things like the minimum wage which at first was going
to be $22 and is down to $15 and we’re fighting for small business on that.
And so much more; which can boggle the brain. (You’ve got a
business to run, we’ll take care of this).
Bottom line, it’s
time for your renewal and
unfortunately with the shutdown of businesses and with having a late start in
trying to see all memberships expiring at the end of June, I have to reach out
to you by email.
This is an election year. Sadly, there are those in
our government who want to take things away from small business; like that 20%
deduction on your taxes which small business has fought so hard to earn.
Sadly there are so many more things “on the table” which will affect small
business negatively if we don’t hold the legislator’s (state and federal) to
the fire. We are your seat at the table. (One member has it right, “If you are
not seated at the table, you’re on the menu.”)
I urge you to continue to stand with your business neighbors
during this election year. Together let’s keep small business strong. Continue
to support the mission of small business; to promote and protect the
right of our members to own, operate and grow their businesses.
I don’t want to let you down. There is no way I can reach
everyone by this month’s end. Please help me by using the form attached to this
email. Last year you chose a membership for an amount which was affordable. Since it is an election
year and with small businesses being in the fight of our lives and we want to
keep that 20% tax deduction we are asking every member to please do a bit more
if possible.
(A farmer recently said that he “couldn’t afford to” but
that he knew that he “needed to”).
amount isn’t as important as your vote so please decide what you can do this
year and call me, email me or send me your renewal. If money is an issue this
year, we'll work with you!
I look forward to processing your renewal. As a
business owner myself, I know that you work hard for your money so believe me
we will honor that and are very judicious on how we invest your membership dues.
Renew on the phone, please call me and leave a message
with the best time to return your call. I’m working before and after business
hours to catch up with everyone. You’ll get a receipt in your email as we are
processing your renewal.
Mail your form and if possible please let me know
your membership form is on its way by replying to this email. You’ll get a
receipt by email immediately when I process your check.
membership will expire at the end of June. Please act prior to the last week to
be sure we have time to process so your membership won't lapse. If you need
anything, please let me know! All new memberships get that workplace poster
free; that's a savings of up to $150 which helps defray membership cost. Just
request it.
Terry (Ter) Scott NFIB Membership Rep
PS. Thanks in advance for your renewal. If you have
questions on how you can get even more from your membership, please ask. And
remember that members do business with members so hang your plaque proudly; where people can see it. Let me know if you would like
additional door decals.

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