We appreciate you a bunch!

I (and my team) appreciate you!
(Really, without you and your business,
business would be rather dull. Wouldn’t you agree?)
As a business owner myself, I assist business owners with
branded promotional products (AskHalo4Imprints), expense reduction services (no
fee service through Stryde). And as the membership rep for NFIB for the
northern half of Wisconsin I know a bit about both the challenges and rewards
in doing business in our great state.
To express my appreciation I offer the following to you:
SHIPPING on your first order from www.AskHalo4Imprints.com (Thousands of imprinted branded and messaged items for your company).
EXPENSE AUDIT: Credit Card Processing, Employer Payroll, Tax Incentives,
Parcel Shipping, Property Owner Tax Incentives, Property Taxes, Waste &
Recycling, Work Comp Insurance, and more. This is very thorough on our end and
takes about 15 minutes to get your information doing a screen share. This is exclusive
and not available elsewhere.
We have helped thousands of companies reduce expenses and
obtain large federal tax incentives that would otherwise go un-captured. Our services are not limited to any single
industry focus. Over 90% of all businesses can benefit from one or more of our
services. Use the contact form on this page or call the Multiple Companies
Message Center. Or, you can get started by visiting here.
Membership at NFIB (National Federation of Independent Business): I
cover pretty much the entire north half of Wisconsin so I have a pretty good
pulse on the health of business. If you are already fighting the good fight for
your neighboring Wisconsin businesses (of all industry types), I congratulate
you and thank you for your support! If not, I invite you to become a member. Be
informed about harmful legislation and join other business owners in having a
real voice in Madison and in Washington DC. Membership is very affordable. You can go directly to NFIB.com but for our
area to get credit, please allow me to register you. Visit here to learn more
or call me.
(By the way, if you are reading this and your business is located anywhere in the USA, I can still register your business. Contact me for details).
No Fee
30 Minute Business Coaching Session: Every month I give back to the
business community by donating 5 hours of my consulting time to new business
owners. If you or someone you know has been in business for less than 3 years,
let them know that they may apply for this. There is no cost or obligation to
move forward with additional consulting.
Free RX
Savings Card for business owner, staff and employees. Visit here todownload your free (HIPPA compliant) card and save up to 90% on all
prescriptions. (If you would like a multi card sheet that you can print off on
your office computer, let me know).
Thanks for visiting and reading this. I look forward to assisting you in your future success in any way that I can. As a resource consultant I also have access to many products, services and research sytems. If you have questions and can't find something, please feel free to use me as a resource.
Make it a great day! Ter
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