Your invitation to Join America's Voice of Small Business

 Are you a business owner with only one employee? Are you an independent sales rep, insurance agent, a contractor or similar? Or maybe you have a company with 500 employees? You can have a voice in all 50 state capitals (especially your state) and in Washington DC. Here is your invitation to join your business neighbors!

Regardless where your company is located in our great USA, I am ready and willing to assist you in your membership. Suggested membership is based on the number of employees and because many business owners truly appreciate the value NFIB brings to small business and really, business in general they choose a higher membership fee. But this is entirely your choice. We want it to be affordable so you'll continue your membership every year and help NFIB help you and your business neighbors and keep business strong for generatins to come. 

Here are just a few advantages of being a member: 


When a big issue affects small and independent businesses, NFIB is there. We have been for over 75 years, and we will continue to be. We represent our members’ interests—our one member, one vote balloting process guides our work.

NFIB has an ear to the ground on what’s happening in Washington, D.C., and the state capitals. That puts NFIB at the forefront of advocating on today’s most pressing small business issues, such as taxes, healthcare, and regulations.


When NFIB speaks, legislators listen. They know that we bring them the voice of small business. 

That voice, hundreds of thousands strong, comes directly from NFIB’s members and our research—combined, they make a powerful and influential case for our advocacy.

Because of NFIB’s credibility, we are asked to bring the small business perspective to Congress, state capitals, the courts, and the media. 


NFIB works with trusted providers to offer you quality products and services that can save your business time and money.

Please contact me today and join. 

Your business, the businesses around you and our country depends on it. 

PS. You can certainly go to and register but I'd like very much to register your business so you'll be sure all is completed and you'll get your FREE updated Work Place poster (which is required by law and usually costs up to $150). Call me using the number in my picture below. 

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