Terry Scott, the ABC Consultant is a financial consultant with Drive Planning. Drive Planning is like no other financial planning firm. The advisors partner with their client and their future vision and their present situation to use the strategies of the affluent to Keep More, Make More and Live More; TODAY. We’ve worked with clients with millions of dollars and others with only $25K, and have never lost any of our client’s money in the almost 9 years that Drive Planning has been in existence.
A recent article states that Social Security will be cut by $17,400 in 2033. So how much will $17,400 be in just ten years, how much will it purchase; that $17,400 is in today’s dollars. It could very possibly purchase half so in reality, it will be a cut of $34,800. Let’s do something today to have you better prepared in not just ten years, but in just 90 days. www.InvestIntentional.com
Will Social Security run out? Some say yes, and some say
no. Either way, it won’t be “better”. If you are in the camp of thinking it
will still be here, can we agree that it won’t be like it is today?
What will $17,400 be worth in 2033? Today average price of bread is $3.47 a loaf.
According to our
government, Bread price prediction 2033: Bread's price for 2033 according to
our analysis should range between $1.46
to $2.19 and the average price of BRD should be
around $1.83.
It’s going to go down? If
you believe that, I’ve got a burnt out food processing plant I want to sell
Have you put money away in
a 401K, partnering with the government, and agreeing to not touch your money
for 30 years, only then to have to pay taxes and use it to buy things to live at
a higher inflation rate?
The longer you have your “lazy”
money there, not working for you at a higher and protected ROR, the more it is
getting eaten away and you are occurring what are called “Lost Opportunity
Even if you have just have
10 years left to get to your 401K, (when you’ll lose that will
predicted $17,400 of social security ) I and my team can help you put your money to work.
In Drive Planning’s almost
9 years of existence, we’ve never lost our clients one cent. And we’ve taken
measures to be sure that it never happens. Can your “financial planner” say the
same? The first step is to inquire at InvestIntentional.com. It’s not a commitment;
it’s just your first step. I think you’ll like what you see.
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