Terry Lee Scott, Traveling Notary offers one free service during the first two weeks in September 2024



(Within the City Limits of Superior, Wisconsin) from now through September 11th, 2024

Most people know that you can visit your bank or credit union to have something notarized

… for free; but is it really “free”? Certainly you are not exchanging actual money but you are exchanging your time and what your time is worth. When using my services as a traveling notary agent, you have the convenience of having me come to your place of business, home, nursing home, court house, jail, coffee shop or just about anywhere to verify items that require a notary; at the minimal fee allowed by the state of Wisconsin, plus reasonable business fees. Depending on the situation, using my services is well worth the extra cost.

I am a notary in Wisconsin conducting notary work anywhere in the state; however I concentrate in seeing clients in the Superior area.

I will visit your location to do one notary event at no fee through September 11th, 2025, location must be within the city limits of Superior Wisconsin.

All notary fees and the usual travel and business fees will be waived in this “introductory offer” but must be conducted during “regular hours” stated at my website. Times are limited so when possible, book early. Times outside the regular hours posted at my site may be available upon request. When choosing this option, the state’s suggested fee will be waived but my usual travel and business fees will apply.

Visit TLS Notary web page to use the contact form to start your process.


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