Who is Ter Scott and what are his "Advocacy", "Branding", and "Cash Flow Strategies" for Business?


Ter Scott is a “hybrid consultant” focusing on helping business owners in three areas, Advocacy, Branding, and Cash Flow Strategies.

Advocacy  https://tinyurl.com/TSAdvocacy

Having been a membership rep for NFIB, The National Federation of Independent Businesses for small business in the nine northernmost Wisconsin counties for the past 5 years, he assists business owners to advocate for each other at the state capital and in Washington DC. www.AskAllSolutionsKnown.com

He is also an advocate for the safety for all in our Twin Ports community as the Connected Care Coordinator with ECG the leading supplier of personal emergency response monitoring systems. He partners with business owners in helping employees who are informal caregivers to decrease stress and increase focus on the job by having their loved ones protected. www.AlwaysConnectedCare.com

Branding  https://tinyurl.com/BrandingMore

Ter has been an artist, a graphic designer, an instructor of graphic design and marketing both at the school and adult education levels. He brings that experience and skill to assist business marketers to not only to imprint their message on thousands of items but also offers practical “distribution” and usage plans for branding items. Be sure to ask for FREE SHIPPING on your first order at www.BrandingMore.com.

Cash Flow Strategies  https://tinyurl.com/AllCashFlow

Business owners sometimes say, “Show me the money” and think that the ABCs of business should actually be in the order of “CBA” with cash being first. Ter teaches that we first must be an advocate and think of others, then our branding; later the cash will follow.

He offers funding for real estate investors and capital for all types of business needs, finds hidden tax incentives and business overages, and credit repair solutions for business. Learn more at https://tinyurl.com/AllCashFlow


Hello. I’m Ter Scott. I look forward to assisting you. Please use the contact form on this page or call my office using the number shown in the images.

Thanks I look forward to hearing from you.

Ter Scott

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