Be Your Own Bank. New Financial Ecosystem for Business Owners, Entrepreneurs and Individuals.

Scan the QR code to watch a 1 minute video, to change your banking and buying power forever!


And now get started...

 After watching the recorded call, check additional details here:

After watching the replay, CLICK HERE for more details. 

Hi. This is Terry (Ter) Scott.

I know that you would be mad at me if I know about this and didn't share it with you.

  • Have you ever wondered what it would be like to own your own bank?
  • How would you like to get paid extra every time you use your debit card?
  • How would you like to get paid every time someone swipes their debit card?

No this is not selling merchant processing, and no this is not MLM. The Founders of this recently released product have been in the industry for years and have now created this new financial ecosystem. 

A lot of people are going to make a lot of money.

I got started yesterday and am already experiencing success.

Check out this private Zoom meeting Thursday, May 11th

with me and Eric Allen at 6:15 to 6:45 CST. 

(This link should be “clickable” but if not, please copy and paste into your browser). We will start at 6:15 sharp and expect a lot of people so I suggest that you set your time and try getting in a few minutes early and keep trying until you get in.

See you there.

Ter Scott

PS. Return to this blog page after attending because I want to give you a few things to reward you for investing time into yourself and your future.

Here's the Zoom link again. 

And immediately after the Zoom call, you'll see my free gifts below. 

PSS. This is new to our area and I will help people to get up and running.

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