Here are your complete instructions to earn $1000 Referral Rewards each time someone you refer to us completes the process.
If interested, here is the FMLA information. Print and make copies to show the people you talk to with your intake form for them to fill out (explained below).
Read the Press Release to get educated as to what this is; it's pretty straight forward and simple.
To take advantage of the Referral Reward, please do the following:
1. Download the Intake form. (This is the same form for if you are eligible as a self-employed or W2 worker who has a side hustle, use this to apply).
2. If you are the referrer, write in your name and email address on the intake form, print copies to give out to all the self-employed people and post copies or leave copies at places where you know self-employeds hang out. (Here's a news flash just out. It was revealed recently that 93% of US working population has a side hustle. If they did back in 2020 and 2021 and had their work hurt by Covid, they are owed money. When they apply, after they get their funds, usually within 4 to 6 weeks, you'll get your check of $1000).
This takes several weeks so don't be discouraged, just get your copies in the hands of people you know.
Here's a poster that you can title, "Attn: (plus industry like self-employeds, contractors, roofers, etc.)", write your name and email address on it, make copies and post in locations where these business types hang out, email copies to 1099ers, and W2 workers with a side hustle.
Use the contact form to ask questions and request addional ideas and materials that you can use to market your Referral efforts.
Thanks in advance for passing out your intake forms and encourage your people to get those forms to us as fast as they can so we can help as many people as we can.
And of course we want to get as many of these $1000 Reward checks in your hands. BTW, not everyone will believe that this is available or applies to them, or they may think they've already got this money. That is a common misconception because there has been so many programs and confusion out there. Just let them know that in the slim chance that they have already received their money (checks in the amounts of $26,000 to $46,000; and we've issued one for $66,000 which are only for one of the two years) that we'll let them know and so of course there won't be any fees.
If you have questions, please use the contact form on this page. (Please do not use the cell phone number provided for your questions. It's very important that we leave that line free for those who are claiming their funds.
Thanks for all and good luck!
Terry (Ter) Scott, ABC Consultant
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